Field ID | Description | Category |
22436 | 10P Liver PDFF (proton density fat fraction) | Abdominal composition |
23474 | 3-Hydroxybutyrate | NMR metabolomics |
5156 | 3mm asymmetry index (left) | Refractometer 1 |
5159 | 3mm asymmetry index (right) | Refractometer 1 |
5119 | 3mm cylindrical power (left) | Refractometer 1 |
5116 | 3mm cylindrical power (right) | Refractometer 1 |
5163 | 3mm regularity index (left) | Refractometer 1 |
5160 | 3mm regularity index (right) | Refractometer 1 |
5135 | 3mm strong meridian (left) | Refractometer 1 |
5132 | 3mm strong meridian (right) | Refractometer 1 |
5096 | 3mm weak meridian (left) | Refractometer 1 |
5099 | 3mm weak meridian (right) | Refractometer 1 |
5157 | 6mm asymmetry index (left) | Refractometer 1 |
5158 | 6mm asymmetry index (right) | Refractometer 1 |
5118 | 6mm cylindrical power (left) | Refractometer 1 |
5117 | 6mm cylindrical power (right) | Refractometer 1 |
5162 | 6mm regularity index (left) | Refractometer 1 |
5161 | 6mm regularity index (right) | Refractometer 1 |
5134 | 6mm strong meridian (left) | Refractometer 1 |
5133 | 6mm strong meridian (right) | Refractometer 1 |
5097 | 6mm weak meridian (left) | Refractometer 1 |
5098 | 6mm weak meridian (right) | Refractometer 1 |
25767 | 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast | Task functional brain MRI |
32150 | 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25763 | 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces activation | Task functional brain MRI |
32142 | 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces activation surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25765 | 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast | Task functional brain MRI |
32146 | 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25761 | 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation | Task functional brain MRI |
32138 | 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
24452 | 90th percentile of absolute head motion from dMRI | Diffusion brain MRI |
24440 | 90th percentile of absolute head motion from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24446 | 90th percentile of absolute head motion from tfMRI | Task functional brain MRI |
24459 | 90th percentile of mean (across space) in-plane displacement from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24462 | 90th percentile of mean (across space) of Z displacement from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24464 | 90th percentile of mean (across time) in-plane displacement from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24466 | 90th percentile of mean (across time) of Z displacement from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24455 | 90th percentile of relative head motion from dMRI | Diffusion brain MRI |
24443 | 90th percentile of relative head motion from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24449 | 90th percentile of relative head motion from tfMRI | Task functional brain MRI |
25768 | 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast | Task functional brain MRI |
32152 | 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25764 | 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces activation | Task functional brain MRI |
32144 | 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces activation surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25766 | 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast | Task functional brain MRI |
32148 | 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25762 | 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation | Task functional brain MRI |
32140 | 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
24613 | AFib - Burden | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | # |
24707 | AFib - Burden | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24710 | AFib - First Occurrence | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24708 | AFib - Maximum Heart Rate | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24709 | AFib - Minimum Heart Rate | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24620 | AFlut - Burden | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | # |
24729 | AV Block - First Occurrence | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24728 | AV Block - Minimum Heart Rate | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24638 | AV Block 1 - Longest PQ interval | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | # |
24642 | AV Block 2 - Longest RR | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | # |
24646 | AV Block 3 - Longest RR | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | # |
31090 | Abdominal descending aorta (horizontal diameter) | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31091 | Abdominal descending aorta (vertical diameter) | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
22434 | Abdominal fat ratio | Abdominal composition |
22408 | Abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue volume (ASAT) | Abdominal composition |
26433 | Access to services score (Scotland) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26422 | Access to services score (Wales) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
23475 | Acetate | NMR metabolomics |
23476 | Acetoacetate | NMR metabolomics |
23477 | Acetone | NMR metabolomics |
26064 | Added sugars and preserves | Total weight by food group yesterday |
22191 | Adjusted T/S ratio | Telomeres |
40008 | Age at cancer diagnosis | Cancer register |
40007 | Age at death | Death register |
23460 | Alanine | NMR metabolomics |
30620 | Alanine aminotransferase | Blood biochemistry |
23479 | Albumin | NMR metabolomics |
30600 | Albumin | Blood biochemistry |
26030 | Alcohol | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100022 | Alcohol | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
30610 | Alkaline phosphatase | Blood biochemistry |
26065 | Allium vegetables | Total weight by food group yesterday |
20310 | Alpha angle | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
26038 | Alpha-carotene | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
25733 | Amount of warping applied to non-linearly align T1 brain image to standard-space | T1 structural brain MRI |
24703 | Analysable Time | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
23247 | Android tissue fat percentage | Body composition by DXA |
23248 | Android total mass | Body composition by DXA |
26010 | Animal fat | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26062 | Animal fat spread lower fat | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26063 | Animal fat spread normal | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26007 | Animal protein | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
3143 | Ankle spacing width | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4100 | Ankle spacing width (left) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4119 | Ankle spacing width (right) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
22405 | Anterior thigh fat-free muscle volume (left) | Abdominal composition |
22403 | Anterior thigh fat-free muscle volume (right) | Abdominal composition |
24353 | Anterior thigh muscle fat infiltration (MFI) (left) | Abdominal composition |
24354 | Anterior thigh muscle fat infiltration (MFI) (right) | Abdominal composition |
31110 | Aortic forward flow with background correction | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31109 | Aortic forward flow with no background correction | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31114 | Aortic mean gradient with background correction | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31113 | Aortic mean gradient with no background correction | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31112 | Aortic peak gradient with background correction | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31111 | Aortic peak gradient with no background correction | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
30630 | Apolipoprotein A | Blood biochemistry |
23440 | Apolipoprotein A1 | NMR metabolomics |
23439 | Apolipoprotein B | NMR metabolomics |
30640 | Apolipoprotein B | Blood biochemistry |
23441 | Apolipoprotein B to Apolipoprotein A1 ratio | NMR metabolomics |
26089 | Apples and pears | Total weight by food group yesterday |
27059 | Area of BA1 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27101 | Area of BA1 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27060 | Area of BA2 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27102 | Area of BA2 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27061 | Area of BA3a (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27103 | Area of BA3a (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27062 | Area of BA3b (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27104 | Area of BA3b (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27066 | Area of BA44 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27108 | Area of BA44 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27067 | Area of BA45 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27109 | Area of BA45 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27063 | Area of BA4a (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27105 | Area of BA4a (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27064 | Area of BA4p (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27106 | Area of BA4p (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27065 | Area of BA6 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27107 | Area of BA6 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27334 | Area of G+S-cingul-Ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27556 | Area of G+S-cingul-Ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27335 | Area of G+S-cingul-Mid-Ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27557 | Area of G+S-cingul-Mid-Ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27336 | Area of G+S-cingul-Mid-Post (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27558 | Area of G+S-cingul-Mid-Post (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27329 | Area of G+S-frontomargin (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27551 | Area of G+S-frontomargin (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27330 | Area of G+S-occipital-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27552 | Area of G+S-occipital-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27331 | Area of G+S-paracentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27553 | Area of G+S-paracentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27332 | Area of G+S-subcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27554 | Area of G+S-subcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27333 | Area of G+S-transv-frontopol (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27555 | Area of G+S-transv-frontopol (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27345 | Area of G-Ins-lg+S-cent-ins (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27567 | Area of G-Ins-lg+S-cent-ins (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27337 | Area of G-cingul-Post-dorsal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27559 | Area of G-cingul-Post-dorsal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27338 | Area of G-cingul-Post-ventral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27560 | Area of G-cingul-Post-ventral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27339 | Area of G-cuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27561 | Area of G-cuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27340 | Area of G-front-inf-Opercular (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27562 | Area of G-front-inf-Opercular (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27341 | Area of G-front-inf-Orbital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27563 | Area of G-front-inf-Orbital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27342 | Area of G-front-inf-Triangul (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27564 | Area of G-front-inf-Triangul (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27343 | Area of G-front-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27565 | Area of G-front-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27344 | Area of G-front-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27566 | Area of G-front-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27346 | Area of G-insular-short (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27568 | Area of G-insular-short (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27349 | Area of G-oc-temp-lat-fusifor (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27571 | Area of G-oc-temp-lat-fusifor (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27350 | Area of G-oc-temp-med-Lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27572 | Area of G-oc-temp-med-Lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27351 | Area of G-oc-temp-med-Parahip (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27573 | Area of G-oc-temp-med-Parahip (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27347 | Area of G-occipital-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27569 | Area of G-occipital-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27348 | Area of G-occipital-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27570 | Area of G-occipital-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27352 | Area of G-orbital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27574 | Area of G-orbital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27353 | Area of G-pariet-inf-Angular (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27575 | Area of G-pariet-inf-Angular (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27354 | Area of G-pariet-inf-Supramar (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27576 | Area of G-pariet-inf-Supramar (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27355 | Area of G-parietal-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27577 | Area of G-parietal-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27356 | Area of G-postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27578 | Area of G-postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27357 | Area of G-precentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27579 | Area of G-precentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27358 | Area of G-precuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27580 | Area of G-precuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27359 | Area of G-rectus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27581 | Area of G-rectus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27360 | Area of G-subcallosal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27582 | Area of G-subcallosal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27361 | Area of G-temp-sup-G-T-transv (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27583 | Area of G-temp-sup-G-T-transv (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27362 | Area of G-temp-sup-Lateral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27584 | Area of G-temp-sup-Lateral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27363 | Area of G-temp-sup-Plan-polar (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27585 | Area of G-temp-sup-Plan-polar (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27364 | Area of G-temp-sup-Plan-tempo (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27586 | Area of G-temp-sup-Plan-tempo (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27365 | Area of G-temporal-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27587 | Area of G-temporal-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27366 | Area of G-temporal-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27588 | Area of G-temporal-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27367 | Area of Lat-Fis-ant-Horizont (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27589 | Area of Lat-Fis-ant-Horizont (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27368 | Area of Lat-Fis-ant-Vertical (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27590 | Area of Lat-Fis-ant-Vertical (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27369 | Area of Lat-Fis-post (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27591 | Area of Lat-Fis-post (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27070 | Area of MT (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27112 | Area of MT (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27370 | Area of Pole-occipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27592 | Area of Pole-occipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27371 | Area of Pole-temporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27593 | Area of Pole-temporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27372 | Area of S-calcarine (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27594 | Area of S-calcarine (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27373 | Area of S-central (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27595 | Area of S-central (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27374 | Area of S-cingul-Marginalis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27596 | Area of S-cingul-Marginalis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27375 | Area of S-circular-insula-ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27597 | Area of S-circular-insula-ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27376 | Area of S-circular-insula-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27598 | Area of S-circular-insula-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27377 | Area of S-circular-insula-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27599 | Area of S-circular-insula-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27378 | Area of S-collat-transv-ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27600 | Area of S-collat-transv-ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27379 | Area of S-collat-transv-post (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27601 | Area of S-collat-transv-post (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27380 | Area of S-front-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27602 | Area of S-front-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27381 | Area of S-front-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27603 | Area of S-front-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27382 | Area of S-front-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27604 | Area of S-front-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27383 | Area of S-interm-prim-Jensen (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27605 | Area of S-interm-prim-Jensen (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27384 | Area of S-intrapariet+P-trans (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27606 | Area of S-intrapariet+P-trans (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27385 | Area of S-oc-middle+Lunatus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27607 | Area of S-oc-middle+Lunatus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27386 | Area of S-oc-sup+transversal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27608 | Area of S-oc-sup+transversal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27388 | Area of S-oc-temp-lat (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27610 | Area of S-oc-temp-lat (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27389 | Area of S-oc-temp-med+Lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27611 | Area of S-oc-temp-med+Lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27387 | Area of S-occipital-ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27609 | Area of S-occipital-ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27392 | Area of S-orbital-H-Shaped (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27614 | Area of S-orbital-H-Shaped (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27390 | Area of S-orbital-lateral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27612 | Area of S-orbital-lateral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27391 | Area of S-orbital-med-olfact (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27613 | Area of S-orbital-med-olfact (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27393 | Area of S-parieto-occipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27615 | Area of S-parieto-occipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27394 | Area of S-pericallosal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27616 | Area of S-pericallosal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27395 | Area of S-postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27617 | Area of S-postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27396 | Area of S-precentral-inf-part (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27618 | Area of S-precentral-inf-part (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27397 | Area of S-precentral-sup-part (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27619 | Area of S-precentral-sup-part (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27398 | Area of S-suborbital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27620 | Area of S-suborbital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27399 | Area of S-subparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27621 | Area of S-subparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27400 | Area of S-temporal-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27622 | Area of S-temporal-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27401 | Area of S-temporal-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27623 | Area of S-temporal-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27402 | Area of S-temporal-transverse (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27624 | Area of S-temporal-transverse (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
26721 | Area of TotalSurface (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26923 | Area of TotalSurface (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
26822 | Area of TotalSurface (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26956 | Area of TotalSurface (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27068 | Area of V1 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27110 | Area of V1 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27069 | Area of V2 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27111 | Area of V2 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
26722 | Area of bankssts (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26924 | Area of bankssts (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
26823 | Area of bankssts (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26957 | Area of bankssts (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
26723 | Area of caudalanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26925 | Area of caudalanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27143 | Area of caudalanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26824 | Area of caudalanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26958 | Area of caudalanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27236 | Area of caudalanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26724 | Area of caudalmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26926 | Area of caudalmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27144 | Area of caudalmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26825 | Area of caudalmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26959 | Area of caudalmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27237 | Area of caudalmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26725 | Area of cuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26927 | Area of cuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27145 | Area of cuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26826 | Area of cuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26960 | Area of cuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27238 | Area of cuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26726 | Area of entorhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26928 | Area of entorhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27072 | Area of entorhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27146 | Area of entorhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26827 | Area of entorhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26961 | Area of entorhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27114 | Area of entorhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27239 | Area of entorhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26752 | Area of frontalpole (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26954 | Area of frontalpole (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
26853 | Area of frontalpole (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26987 | Area of frontalpole (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
26727 | Area of fusiform (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26929 | Area of fusiform (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27147 | Area of fusiform (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26828 | Area of fusiform (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26962 | Area of fusiform (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27240 | Area of fusiform (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26728 | Area of inferiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26930 | Area of inferiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27148 | Area of inferiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26829 | Area of inferiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26963 | Area of inferiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27241 | Area of inferiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26729 | Area of inferiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26931 | Area of inferiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27149 | Area of inferiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26830 | Area of inferiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26964 | Area of inferiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27242 | Area of inferiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26754 | Area of insula (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27173 | Area of insula (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26855 | Area of insula (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27266 | Area of insula (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26730 | Area of isthmuscingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26932 | Area of isthmuscingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27150 | Area of isthmuscingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26831 | Area of isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26965 | Area of isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27243 | Area of isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26731 | Area of lateraloccipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26933 | Area of lateraloccipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27151 | Area of lateraloccipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26832 | Area of lateraloccipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26966 | Area of lateraloccipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27244 | Area of lateraloccipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26732 | Area of lateralorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26934 | Area of lateralorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27152 | Area of lateralorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26833 | Area of lateralorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26967 | Area of lateralorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27245 | Area of lateralorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26733 | Area of lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26935 | Area of lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27153 | Area of lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26834 | Area of lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26968 | Area of lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27246 | Area of lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26734 | Area of medialorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26936 | Area of medialorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27154 | Area of medialorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26835 | Area of medialorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26969 | Area of medialorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27247 | Area of medialorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26735 | Area of middletemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26937 | Area of middletemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27155 | Area of middletemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26836 | Area of middletemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26970 | Area of middletemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27248 | Area of middletemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26737 | Area of paracentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26939 | Area of paracentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27157 | Area of paracentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26838 | Area of paracentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26972 | Area of paracentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27250 | Area of paracentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26736 | Area of parahippocampal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26938 | Area of parahippocampal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27156 | Area of parahippocampal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26837 | Area of parahippocampal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26971 | Area of parahippocampal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27249 | Area of parahippocampal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26738 | Area of parsopercularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26940 | Area of parsopercularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27158 | Area of parsopercularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26839 | Area of parsopercularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26973 | Area of parsopercularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27251 | Area of parsopercularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26739 | Area of parsorbitalis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26941 | Area of parsorbitalis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27159 | Area of parsorbitalis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26840 | Area of parsorbitalis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26974 | Area of parsorbitalis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27252 | Area of parsorbitalis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26740 | Area of parstriangularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26942 | Area of parstriangularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27160 | Area of parstriangularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26841 | Area of parstriangularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26975 | Area of parstriangularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27253 | Area of parstriangularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26741 | Area of pericalcarine (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26943 | Area of pericalcarine (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27161 | Area of pericalcarine (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26842 | Area of pericalcarine (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26976 | Area of pericalcarine (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27254 | Area of pericalcarine (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
27071 | Area of perirhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27113 | Area of perirhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
26742 | Area of postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26944 | Area of postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27162 | Area of postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26843 | Area of postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26977 | Area of postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27255 | Area of postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26743 | Area of posteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26945 | Area of posteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27163 | Area of posteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26844 | Area of posteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26978 | Area of posteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27256 | Area of posteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26744 | Area of precentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26946 | Area of precentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27164 | Area of precentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26845 | Area of precentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26979 | Area of precentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27257 | Area of precentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26745 | Area of precuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26947 | Area of precuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27165 | Area of precuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26846 | Area of precuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26980 | Area of precuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27258 | Area of precuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26746 | Area of rostralanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26948 | Area of rostralanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27166 | Area of rostralanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26847 | Area of rostralanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26981 | Area of rostralanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27259 | Area of rostralanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26747 | Area of rostralmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26949 | Area of rostralmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27167 | Area of rostralmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26848 | Area of rostralmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26982 | Area of rostralmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27260 | Area of rostralmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26748 | Area of superiorfrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26950 | Area of superiorfrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27168 | Area of superiorfrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26849 | Area of superiorfrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26983 | Area of superiorfrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27261 | Area of superiorfrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26749 | Area of superiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26951 | Area of superiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27169 | Area of superiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26850 | Area of superiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26984 | Area of superiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27262 | Area of superiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26750 | Area of superiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26952 | Area of superiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27170 | Area of superiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26851 | Area of superiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26985 | Area of superiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27263 | Area of superiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26751 | Area of supramarginal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26953 | Area of supramarginal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27171 | Area of supramarginal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26852 | Area of supramarginal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26986 | Area of supramarginal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27264 | Area of supramarginal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26753 | Area of transversetemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26955 | Area of transversetemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27172 | Area of transversetemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26854 | Area of transversetemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26988 | Area of transversetemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan pial |
27265 | Area of transversetemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
23220 | Arm BMC (bone mineral content) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23222 | Arm BMC (bone mineral content) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23221 | Arm BMD (bone mineral density) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23223 | Arm BMD (bone mineral density) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23313 | Arm bone area (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23314 | Arm bone area (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23124 | Arm fat mass (left) | Body composition by impedance |
23120 | Arm fat mass (right) | Body composition by impedance |
23123 | Arm fat percentage (left) | Body composition by impedance |
23119 | Arm fat percentage (right) | Body composition by impedance |
23125 | Arm fat-free mass (left) | Body composition by impedance |
23121 | Arm fat-free mass (right) | Body composition by impedance |
23126 | Arm predicted mass (left) | Body composition by impedance |
23122 | Arm predicted mass (right) | Body composition by impedance |
23251 | Arm tissue fat percentage (left) | Body composition by DXA |
23255 | Arm tissue fat percentage (right) | Body composition by DXA |
23252 | Arm total mass (left) | Body composition by DXA |
23256 | Arm total mass (right) | Body composition by DXA |
23224 | Arms BMC (bone mineral content) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23225 | Arms BMD (bone mineral density) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23317 | Arms combined bone area | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23259 | Arms tissue fat percentage | Body composition by DXA |
23260 | Arms total mass | Body composition by DXA |
24120 | Ascending aorta distensibility | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24118 | Ascending aorta maximum area | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24119 | Ascending aorta minimum area | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
30650 | Aspartate aminotransferase | Blood biochemistry |
12681 | Augmentation index for PWA - PVR | Pulse wave analysis |
24023 | Average 16-hour sound level of noise pollution | Residential noise pollution |
24024 | Average 24-hour sound level of noise pollution | Residential noise pollution |
23433 | Average Diameter for HDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23432 | Average Diameter for LDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23431 | Average Diameter for VLDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
28520 | Average ELM-ISOS thickness (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28521 | Average ELM-ISOS thickness (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28512 | Average INL-ELM thickness (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28513 | Average INL-ELM thickness (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28536 | Average INL-RPE thickness (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28537 | Average INL-RPE thickness (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28528 | Average ISOS-RPE thickness (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28529 | Average ISOS-RPE thickness (right) | Derived OCT measures |
22014 | Average X chromosome intensities for determining sex | Genotyping intensities | * |
22015 | Average Y chromosome intensities for determining sex | Genotyping intensities | * |
90027 | Average acceleration 00:00 - 00:59 | Acceleration averages |
90028 | Average acceleration 01:00 - 01:59 | Acceleration averages |
90029 | Average acceleration 02:00 - 02:59 | Acceleration averages |
90030 | Average acceleration 03:00 - 03:59 | Acceleration averages |
90031 | Average acceleration 04:00 - 04:59 | Acceleration averages |
90032 | Average acceleration 05:00 - 05:59 | Acceleration averages |
90033 | Average acceleration 06:00 - 06:59 | Acceleration averages |
90034 | Average acceleration 07:00 - 07:59 | Acceleration averages |
90035 | Average acceleration 08:00 - 08:59 | Acceleration averages |
90036 | Average acceleration 09:00 - 09:59 | Acceleration averages |
90037 | Average acceleration 10:00 - 10:59 | Acceleration averages |
90038 | Average acceleration 11:00 - 11:59 | Acceleration averages |
90039 | Average acceleration 12:00 - 12:59 | Acceleration averages |
90040 | Average acceleration 13:00 - 13:59 | Acceleration averages |
90041 | Average acceleration 14:00 - 14:59 | Acceleration averages |
90042 | Average acceleration 15:00 - 15:59 | Acceleration averages |
90043 | Average acceleration 16:00 - 16:59 | Acceleration averages |
90044 | Average acceleration 17:00 - 17:59 | Acceleration averages |
90045 | Average acceleration 18:00 - 18:59 | Acceleration averages |
90046 | Average acceleration 19:00 - 19:59 | Acceleration averages |
90047 | Average acceleration 20:00 - 20:59 | Acceleration averages |
90048 | Average acceleration 21:00 - 21:59 | Acceleration averages |
90049 | Average acceleration 22:00 - 22:59 | Acceleration averages |
90050 | Average acceleration 23:00 - 23:59 | Acceleration averages |
24020 | Average daytime sound level of noise pollution | Residential noise pollution |
24021 | Average evening sound level of noise pollution | Residential noise pollution |
28504 | Average ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thickness (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28505 | Average ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thickness (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28502 | Average inner nuclear layer thickness (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28503 | Average inner nuclear layer thickness (right) | Derived OCT measures |
24022 | Average night-time sound level of noise pollution | Residential noise pollution |
28500 | Average retinal nerve fibre layer thickness (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28501 | Average retinal nerve fibre layer thickness (right) | Derived OCT measures |
21137 | B2-B4 BMC (bone mineral content) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
21138 | B2-B4 BMD (bine mineral density) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
21136 | B2-B4 area | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23105 | Basal metabolic rate | Body composition by impedance |
30160 | Basophill count | Blood count |
30220 | Basophill percentage | Blood count |
26066 | Beef | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26067 | Beer and cider | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26090 | Berries | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26040 | Beta cryptoxanthin | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26039 | Beta-carotene | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
30586 | Beta-globin Ct value in TaqMan assay (interim dataset) | TaqMan-based HHV-6 |
26041 | Biotin | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
20022 | Birth weight | Early life factors |
26075 | Biscuit cereal | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26068 | Biscuits | Total weight by food group yesterday |
23099 | Body fat percentage | Body composition by impedance |
21001 | Body mass index (BMI) | Body size measures |
23104 | Body mass index (BMI) | Body composition by impedance |
22427 | Body surface area | Left ventricular size and function |
26076 | Bran cereal | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26069 | Breaded/battered chicken | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26070 | Breaded/battered fish | Total weight by food group yesterday |
30710 | C-reactive protein | Blood biochemistry |
26018 | Calcium | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
30680 | Calcium | Blood biochemistry |
100024 | Calcium | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
90173 | Calibration - maximum x stationary value | Accelerometer calibration |
90175 | Calibration - maximum y stationary value | Accelerometer calibration |
90177 | Calibration - maximum z stationary value | Accelerometer calibration |
90172 | Calibration - minimum x stationary value | Accelerometer calibration |
90174 | Calibration - minimum y stationary value | Accelerometer calibration |
90176 | Calibration - minimum z stationary value | Accelerometer calibration |
90170 | Calibration coefficients - mean temperature | Accelerometer calibration |
90161 | Calibration coefficients - x offset | Accelerometer calibration |
90164 | Calibration coefficients - x slope | Accelerometer calibration |
90167 | Calibration coefficients - x temp | Accelerometer calibration |
90162 | Calibration coefficients - y offset | Accelerometer calibration |
90165 | Calibration coefficients - y slope | Accelerometer calibration |
90168 | Calibration coefficients - y temp | Accelerometer calibration |
90163 | Calibration coefficients - z offset | Accelerometer calibration |
90166 | Calibration coefficients - z slope | Accelerometer calibration |
90169 | Calibration coefficients - z temp | Accelerometer calibration |
26013 | Carbohydrate | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100005 | Carbohydrate | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
22425 | Cardiac index | Left ventricular size and function |
12702 | Cardiac index during PWA - PVR | Pulse wave analysis |
22424 | Cardiac output | Left ventricular size and function |
12682 | Cardiac output during PWA - PVR | Pulse wave analysis |
100019 | Carotene | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
12680 | Central augmentation pressure during PWA - PVR | Pulse wave analysis |
26042 | Chloride | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26080 | Chocolate confectionery | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26037 | Cholesterol | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
30690 | Cholesterol | Blood biochemistry |
23484 | Cholesterol in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23526 | Cholesterol in IDL | NMR metabolomics |
23561 | Cholesterol in Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23533 | Cholesterol in Large LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23498 | Cholesterol in Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23568 | Cholesterol in Medium HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23540 | Cholesterol in Medium LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23505 | Cholesterol in Medium VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23575 | Cholesterol in Small HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23547 | Cholesterol in Small LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23512 | Cholesterol in Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23554 | Cholesterol in Very Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23491 | Cholesterol in Very Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23519 | Cholesterol in Very Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23580 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23610 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in IDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23635 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Large HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23615 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Large LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23590 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23640 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Medium HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23620 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Medium LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23595 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Medium VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23645 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Small HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23625 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Small LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23600 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Small VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23630 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Very Large HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23585 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Very Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23605 | Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Very Small VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23485 | Cholesteryl Esters in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23418 | Cholesteryl Esters in HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23527 | Cholesteryl Esters in IDL | NMR metabolomics |
23417 | Cholesteryl Esters in LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23562 | Cholesteryl Esters in Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23534 | Cholesteryl Esters in Large LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23499 | Cholesteryl Esters in Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23569 | Cholesteryl Esters in Medium HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23541 | Cholesteryl Esters in Medium LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23506 | Cholesteryl Esters in Medium VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23576 | Cholesteryl Esters in Small HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23548 | Cholesteryl Esters in Small LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23513 | Cholesteryl Esters in Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23416 | Cholesteryl Esters in VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23555 | Cholesteryl Esters in Very Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23492 | Cholesteryl Esters in Very Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23520 | Cholesteryl Esters in Very Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23581 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23611 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in IDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23636 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Large HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23616 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Large LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23591 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23641 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Medium HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23621 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Medium LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23596 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Medium VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23646 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Small HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23626 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Small LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23601 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Small VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23631 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Very Large HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23586 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Very Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23606 | Cholesteryl Esters to Total Lipids in Very Small VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23473 | Citrate | NMR metabolomics |
26091 | Citrus | Total weight by food group yesterday |
23404 | Clinical LDL Cholesterol | NMR metabolomics |
26081 | Coffee, caffeinated | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26082 | Coffee, decaffeinated | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26425 | Community safety score (Wales) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
23481 | Concentration of Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23430 | Concentration of HDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23523 | Concentration of IDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23429 | Concentration of LDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23558 | Concentration of Large HDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23530 | Concentration of Large LDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23495 | Concentration of Large VLDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23565 | Concentration of Medium HDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23537 | Concentration of Medium LDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23502 | Concentration of Medium VLDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23572 | Concentration of Small HDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23544 | Concentration of Small LDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23509 | Concentration of Small VLDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23428 | Concentration of VLDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23551 | Concentration of Very Large HDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23488 | Concentration of Very Large VLDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23516 | Concentration of Very Small VLDL Particles | NMR metabolomics |
7525 | Contact lens cylindrical power (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7503 | Contact lens cylindrical power (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7527 | Contact lens spherical equivalent value (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7505 | Contact lens spherical equivalent value (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7524 | Contact lens spherical power (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7502 | Contact lens spherical power (right) | Refractometer 2 |
26043 | Copper | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
5264 | Corneal hysteresis (left) | Intraocular pressure |
5256 | Corneal hysteresis (right) | Intraocular pressure |
7494 | Corneal refractive index | Refractometer 2 |
5265 | Corneal resistance factor (left) | Intraocular pressure |
5257 | Corneal resistance factor (right) | Intraocular pressure |
31097 | Coronal (LVOT) aortic annulus at end-diastole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31098 | Coronal (LVOT) aortic annulus at end-systole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31099 | Coronal (LVOT) sino-tubular junction at end-diastole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31100 | Coronal (LVOT) sino-tubular junction at end-systole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31101 | Coronal (LVOT) sinus of Valsalva at end-diastole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31102 | Coronal (LVOT) sinus of Valsalva at end-systole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
26154 | Cream | Total weight by food group yesterday |
23478 | Creatinine | NMR metabolomics |
30700 | Creatinine | Blood biochemistry |
30510 | Creatinine (enzymatic) in urine | Urine assays |
26416 | Crime score (England) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26434 | Crime score (Scotland) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
5086 | Cylindrical power (left) | Refractometer 1 |
7384 | Cylindrical power (left) | Refractometer 2 |
5087 | Cylindrical power (right) | Refractometer 1 |
7383 | Cylindrical power (right) | Refractometer 2 |
30720 | Cystatin C | Blood biochemistry |
30588 | DR1 gene Ct value in TaqMan assay (interim dataset) | TaqMan-based HHV-6 |
24434 | DVARS 90th percentile D from cleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24425 | DVARS 90th percentile D from uncleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24431 | DVARS 90th percentile S from cleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24422 | DVARS 90th percentile S from uncleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24437 | DVARS 90th percentile SD from cleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24428 | DVARS 90th percentile SD from uncleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24432 | DVARS Mean D from cleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24423 | DVARS Mean D from uncleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24429 | DVARS Mean S from cleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24420 | DVARS Mean S from uncleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24435 | DVARS Mean SD from cleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24426 | DVARS Mean SD from uncleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24433 | DVARS Median D from cleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24424 | DVARS Median D from uncleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24430 | DVARS Median S from cleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24421 | DVARS Median S from uncleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24436 | DVARS Median SD from cleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24427 | DVARS Median SD from uncleaned rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
23443 | Degree of Unsaturation | NMR metabolomics |
24123 | Descending aorta distensibility | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24121 | Descending aorta maximum area | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24122 | Descending aorta minimum area | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
31079 | Diastole mean area of ascending aorta | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31080 | Diastole mean area of proximal descending aorta | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31083 | Diastole standard deviation of ascending aorta mean | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31084 | Diastole standard deviation of proximal descending aorta mean | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
30660 | Direct bilirubin | Blood biochemistry |
27851 | Disc diameter after inverse rank normal transformation (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27852 | Disc diameter after inverse rank normal transformation (right) | Derived OCT measures |
25738 | Discrepancy between SWI brain image and T1 brain image | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25731 | Discrepancy between T1 brain image and standard-space brain template (linearly-aligned) | T1 structural brain MRI |
25732 | Discrepancy between T1 brain image and standard-space brain template (nonlinearly-aligned) | T1 structural brain MRI |
25736 | Discrepancy between T2 FLAIR brain image and T1 brain image | T2-weighted brain MRI |
25737 | Discrepancy between dMRI brain image and T1 brain image | Diffusion brain MRI |
25739 | Discrepancy between rfMRI brain image and T1 brain image | Resting functional brain MRI |
25740 | Discrepancy between tfMRI brain image and T1 brain image | Task functional brain MRI |
24508 | Distance (Euclidean) to coast | Greenspace and coastal proximity |
7486 | Distance from corneal vertex to spectacle lens when wearing glasses | Refractometer 2 |
23450 | Docosahexaenoic Acid | NMR metabolomics |
23457 | Docosahexaenoic Acid to Total Fatty Acids percentage | NMR metabolomics |
24501 | Domestic garden percentage, buffer 1000m | Greenspace and coastal proximity |
24504 | Domestic garden percentage, buffer 300m | Greenspace and coastal proximity |
26092 | Dried fruit | Total weight by food group yesterday |
90181 | Duration of interrupted recording periods | Raw accelerometer statistics |
20157 | Duration to complete alphanumeric path (trail #2) | Trail making |
20156 | Duration to complete numeric path (trail #1) | Trail making |
28514 | ELM-ISOS thickness of central subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28515 | ELM-ISOS thickness of central subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28516 | ELM-ISOS thickness of inner subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28517 | ELM-ISOS thickness of inner subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28518 | ELM-ISOS thickness of outer subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28519 | ELM-ISOS thickness of outer subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
26414 | Education score (England) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26431 | Education score (Scotland) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26421 | Education score (Wales) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26088 | Egg and egg dishes | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26412 | Employment score (England) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26429 | Employment score (Scotland) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26419 | Employment score (Wales) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
31122 | End systolic circumferential strain (apex) | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31123 | End systolic circumferential strain (base) | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31121 | End systolic circumferential strain (mid) | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
12683 | End systolic pressure during PWA - PVR | Pulse wave analysis |
12684 | End systolic pressure index during PWA - PVR | Pulse wave analysis |
31124 | End systolic torsion | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31125 | End systolic torsion rate | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
26002 | Energy | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100002 | Energy | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
26004 | Energy density | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26003 | Energy from beverages | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100009 | Englyst dietary fibre | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
26017 | Englyst fibre | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26203 | Enhanced PRS for age at menopause (AAM) | Enhanced PRS |
26205 | Enhanced PRS for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) | Enhanced PRS |
26207 | Enhanced PRS for alzheimer's disease (AD) | Enhanced PRS |
26208 | Enhanced PRS for apolipoprotein a1 (APOEA) | Enhanced PRS |
26209 | Enhanced PRS for apolipoprotein b (APOEB) | Enhanced PRS |
26211 | Enhanced PRS for asthma (AST) | Enhanced PRS |
26213 | Enhanced PRS for atrial fibrillation (AF) | Enhanced PRS |
26215 | Enhanced PRS for bipolar disorder (BD) | Enhanced PRS |
26217 | Enhanced PRS for body mass index (BMI) | Enhanced PRS |
26219 | Enhanced PRS for bowel cancer (CRC) | Enhanced PRS |
26221 | Enhanced PRS for breast cancer (BC) | Enhanced PRS |
26222 | Enhanced PRS for calcium (CAL) | Enhanced PRS |
26224 | Enhanced PRS for cardiovascular disease (CVD) | Enhanced PRS |
26226 | Enhanced PRS for coeliac disease (CED) | Enhanced PRS |
26228 | Enhanced PRS for coronary artery disease (CAD) | Enhanced PRS |
26231 | Enhanced PRS for docosahexaenoic acid (DOA) | Enhanced PRS |
26233 | Enhanced PRS for epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) | Enhanced PRS |
26235 | Enhanced PRS for estimated bone mineral density t-score (EBMDT) | Enhanced PRS |
26236 | Enhanced PRS for estimated glomerular filtration rate (creatinine based) (EGCR) | Enhanced PRS |
26237 | Enhanced PRS for estimated glomerular filtration rate (cystatin based) (EGCY) | Enhanced PRS |
26239 | Enhanced PRS for glycated haemoglobin (HBA1C_DF) | Enhanced PRS |
26241 | Enhanced PRS for height (HEIGHT) | Enhanced PRS |
26243 | Enhanced PRS for high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) | Enhanced PRS |
26245 | Enhanced PRS for hypertension (HT) | Enhanced PRS |
26247 | Enhanced PRS for intraocular pressure (IOP) | Enhanced PRS |
26249 | Enhanced PRS for ischaemic stroke (ISS) | Enhanced PRS |
26251 | Enhanced PRS for low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL_SF) | Enhanced PRS |
26253 | Enhanced PRS for melanoma (MEL) | Enhanced PRS |
26255 | Enhanced PRS for multiple sclerosis (MS) | Enhanced PRS |
26256 | Enhanced PRS for omega-3 fatty acids (OTFA) | Enhanced PRS |
26257 | Enhanced PRS for omega-6 fatty acids (OSFA) | Enhanced PRS |
26259 | Enhanced PRS for osteoporosis (OP) | Enhanced PRS |
26261 | Enhanced PRS for parkinson's disease (PD) | Enhanced PRS |
26262 | Enhanced PRS for phosphatidylcholines (PDCL) | Enhanced PRS |
26263 | Enhanced PRS for phosphoglycerides (PHG) | Enhanced PRS |
26264 | Enhanced PRS for polyunsaturated fatty acids (PFA) | Enhanced PRS |
26266 | Enhanced PRS for primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) | Enhanced PRS |
26268 | Enhanced PRS for prostate cancer (PC) | Enhanced PRS |
26270 | Enhanced PRS for psoriasis (PSO) | Enhanced PRS |
26271 | Enhanced PRS for remnant cholesterol (Non-HDL, Non-LDL cholesterol) (RMNC) | Enhanced PRS |
26272 | Enhanced PRS for resting heart rate (RHR) | Enhanced PRS |
26274 | Enhanced PRS for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) | Enhanced PRS |
26276 | Enhanced PRS for schizophrenia (SCZ) | Enhanced PRS |
26277 | Enhanced PRS for sphingomyelins (SGM) | Enhanced PRS |
26279 | Enhanced PRS for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) | Enhanced PRS |
26280 | Enhanced PRS for total cholesterol (TCH) | Enhanced PRS |
26281 | Enhanced PRS for total fatty acids (TFA) | Enhanced PRS |
26282 | Enhanced PRS for total triglycerides (TTG) | Enhanced PRS |
26284 | Enhanced PRS for type 1 diabetes (T1D) | Enhanced PRS |
26286 | Enhanced PRS for type 2 diabetes (T2D) | Enhanced PRS |
26290 | Enhanced PRS for venous thromboembolic disease (VTE) | Enhanced PRS |
30150 | Eosinophill count | Blood count |
30210 | Eosinophill percentage | Blood count |
90160 | Error tolerance after calibration | Accelerometer calibration |
90159 | Error tolerance before calibration | Accelerometer calibration |
7541 | Eye prescription (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7542 | Eye prescription (right) | Refractometer 2 |
20258 | FEV1/ FVC ratio Z-score | Spirometry |
24352 | FR liver PDFF mean | Abdominal composition |
26008 | Fat | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100004 | Fat | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
23302 | Femur lower neck BMD (bone mineral density) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23206 | Femur lower neck BMD (bone mineral density) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23294 | Femur lower neck BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23207 | Femur lower neck BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23327 | Femur neck BMC (bone mineral content) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23328 | Femur neck BMC (bone mineral content) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23299 | Femur neck BMD (bone mineral density) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23208 | Femur neck BMD (bone mineral density) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23300 | Femur neck BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23209 | Femur neck BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23325 | Femur neck bone area (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23326 | Femur neck bone area (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23331 | Femur shaft BMC (bone mineral content) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23332 | Femur shaft BMC (bone mineral content) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23290 | Femur shaft BMD (bone mineral density) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23210 | Femur shaft BMD (bone mineral density) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23303 | Femur shaft BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23211 | Femur shaft BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23329 | Femur shaft bone area (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23330 | Femur shaft bone area (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23335 | Femur total BMC (bone mineral content) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23336 | Femur total BMC (bone mineral content) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23291 | Femur total BMD (bone mineral density) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23212 | Femur total BMD (bone mineral density) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23293 | Femur total BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23213 | Femur total BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23333 | Femur total area (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23334 | Femur total area (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23339 | Femur troch BMC (bone mineral content) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23340 | Femur troch BMC (bone mineral content) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23295 | Femur troch BMD (bone mineral density) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23214 | Femur troch BMD (bone mineral density) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23298 | Femur troch BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23215 | Femur troch BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23337 | Femur troch bone area (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23338 | Femur troch bone area (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23292 | Femur upper neck BMD (bone mineral density) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23216 | Femur upper neck BMD (bone mineral density) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23296 | Femur upper neck BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23217 | Femur upper neck BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23343 | Femur wards BMC (bone mineral content) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23344 | Femur wards BMC (bone mineral content) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23297 | Femur wards BMD (bone mineral density) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23218 | Femur wards BMD (bone mineral density) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23301 | Femur wards BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23219 | Femur wards BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23341 | Femur wards bone area (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23342 | Femur wards bone area (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
26022 | Folate | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100014 | Folate | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
100001 | Food weight | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
3063 | Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1) | Spirometry |
10695 | Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1) (pilot) | Spirometry |
20256 | Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1) Z-score | Spirometry |
20150 | Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1), Best measure | Spirometry |
20153 | Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1), predicted | Spirometry |
20154 | Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1), predicted percentage | Spirometry |
3062 | Forced vital capacity (FVC) | Spirometry |
10694 | Forced vital capacity (FVC) (pilot) | Spirometry |
20257 | Forced vital capacity (FVC) Z-score | Spirometry |
20151 | Forced vital capacity (FVC), Best measure | Spirometry |
26151 | Fortified wine | Total weight by food group yesterday |
90092 | Fraction acceleration <= 1 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90101 | Fraction acceleration <= 10 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90127 | Fraction acceleration <= 100 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90148 | Fraction acceleration <= 1000 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90102 | Fraction acceleration <= 11 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90149 | Fraction acceleration <= 1100 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90103 | Fraction acceleration <= 12 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90150 | Fraction acceleration <= 1200 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90128 | Fraction acceleration <= 125 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90104 | Fraction acceleration <= 13 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90151 | Fraction acceleration <= 1300 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90105 | Fraction acceleration <= 14 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90152 | Fraction acceleration <= 1400 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90106 | Fraction acceleration <= 15 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90129 | Fraction acceleration <= 150 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90153 | Fraction acceleration <= 1500 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90107 | Fraction acceleration <= 16 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90154 | Fraction acceleration <= 1600 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90108 | Fraction acceleration <= 17 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90155 | Fraction acceleration <= 1700 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90130 | Fraction acceleration <= 175 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90109 | Fraction acceleration <= 18 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90156 | Fraction acceleration <= 1800 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90110 | Fraction acceleration <= 19 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90157 | Fraction acceleration <= 1900 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90093 | Fraction acceleration <= 2 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90111 | Fraction acceleration <= 20 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90131 | Fraction acceleration <= 200 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90158 | Fraction acceleration <= 2000 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90132 | Fraction acceleration <= 225 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90112 | Fraction acceleration <= 25 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90133 | Fraction acceleration <= 250 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90134 | Fraction acceleration <= 275 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90094 | Fraction acceleration <= 3 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90113 | Fraction acceleration <= 30 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90135 | Fraction acceleration <= 300 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90136 | Fraction acceleration <= 325 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90114 | Fraction acceleration <= 35 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90137 | Fraction acceleration <= 350 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90138 | Fraction acceleration <= 375 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90095 | Fraction acceleration <= 4 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90115 | Fraction acceleration <= 40 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90139 | Fraction acceleration <= 400 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90140 | Fraction acceleration <= 425 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90116 | Fraction acceleration <= 45 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90141 | Fraction acceleration <= 450 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90142 | Fraction acceleration <= 475 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90096 | Fraction acceleration <= 5 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90117 | Fraction acceleration <= 50 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90143 | Fraction acceleration <= 500 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90118 | Fraction acceleration <= 55 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90097 | Fraction acceleration <= 6 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90119 | Fraction acceleration <= 60 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90144 | Fraction acceleration <= 600 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90120 | Fraction acceleration <= 65 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90098 | Fraction acceleration <= 7 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90121 | Fraction acceleration <= 70 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90145 | Fraction acceleration <= 700 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90122 | Fraction acceleration <= 75 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90099 | Fraction acceleration <= 8 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90123 | Fraction acceleration <= 80 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90146 | Fraction acceleration <= 800 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90124 | Fraction acceleration <= 85 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90100 | Fraction acceleration <= 9 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90125 | Fraction acceleration <= 90 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90147 | Fraction acceleration <= 900 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
90126 | Fraction acceleration <= 95 milli-gravities | Acceleration intensity distribution |
23486 | Free Cholesterol in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23422 | Free Cholesterol in HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23528 | Free Cholesterol in IDL | NMR metabolomics |
23421 | Free Cholesterol in LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23563 | Free Cholesterol in Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23535 | Free Cholesterol in Large LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23500 | Free Cholesterol in Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23570 | Free Cholesterol in Medium HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23542 | Free Cholesterol in Medium LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23507 | Free Cholesterol in Medium VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23577 | Free Cholesterol in Small HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23549 | Free Cholesterol in Small LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23514 | Free Cholesterol in Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23420 | Free Cholesterol in VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23556 | Free Cholesterol in Very Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23493 | Free Cholesterol in Very Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23521 | Free Cholesterol in Very Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23582 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23612 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in IDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23637 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Large HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23617 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Large LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23592 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23642 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Medium HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23622 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Medium LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23597 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Medium VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23647 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Small HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23627 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Small LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23602 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Small VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23632 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Very Large HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23587 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Very Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23607 | Free Cholesterol to Total Lipids in Very Small VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
26012 | Free sugar | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
90023 | Friday average acceleration | Acceleration averages |
26119 | Fried/roast potatoes | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26044 | Fructose | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26095 | Fruit juice | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26096 | Full fat yogurt | Total weight by food group yesterday |
30730 | Gamma glutamyltransferase | Blood biochemistry |
22009 | Genetic principal components | Genotyping process and sample QC |
22013 | Genetic relatedness IBS0 | Interim genotype release |
22012 | Genetic relatedness factor | Interim genotype release |
23470 | Glucose | NMR metabolomics |
26045 | Glucose | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
30740 | Glucose | Blood biochemistry |
20280 | Glucose-lactate | NMR metabolomics |
23461 | Glutamine | NMR metabolomics |
30750 | Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) | Blood biochemistry |
23462 | Glycine | NMR metabolomics |
23480 | Glycoprotein Acetyls | NMR metabolomics |
26097 | Grain dishes - added fat | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26098 | Green leafy/cabbages | Total weight by food group yesterday |
24500 | Greenspace percentage, buffer 1000m | Greenspace and coastal proximity |
24503 | Greenspace percentage, buffer 300m | Greenspace and coastal proximity |
26990 | Grey-white contrast in bankssts (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27025 | Grey-white contrast in bankssts (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
26991 | Grey-white contrast in caudalanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27026 | Grey-white contrast in caudalanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
26992 | Grey-white contrast in caudalmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27027 | Grey-white contrast in caudalmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
26993 | Grey-white contrast in cuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27028 | Grey-white contrast in cuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
26994 | Grey-white contrast in entorhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27029 | Grey-white contrast in entorhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27020 | Grey-white contrast in frontalpole (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27055 | Grey-white contrast in frontalpole (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
26995 | Grey-white contrast in fusiform (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27030 | Grey-white contrast in fusiform (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
26996 | Grey-white contrast in inferiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27031 | Grey-white contrast in inferiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
26997 | Grey-white contrast in inferiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27032 | Grey-white contrast in inferiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27023 | Grey-white contrast in insula (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27058 | Grey-white contrast in insula (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
26998 | Grey-white contrast in isthmuscingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27033 | Grey-white contrast in isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
26999 | Grey-white contrast in lateraloccipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27034 | Grey-white contrast in lateraloccipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27000 | Grey-white contrast in lateralorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27035 | Grey-white contrast in lateralorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27001 | Grey-white contrast in lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27036 | Grey-white contrast in lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27002 | Grey-white contrast in medialorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27037 | Grey-white contrast in medialorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27003 | Grey-white contrast in middletemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27038 | Grey-white contrast in middletemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27005 | Grey-white contrast in paracentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27040 | Grey-white contrast in paracentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27004 | Grey-white contrast in parahippocampal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27039 | Grey-white contrast in parahippocampal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27006 | Grey-white contrast in parsopercularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27041 | Grey-white contrast in parsopercularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27007 | Grey-white contrast in parsorbitalis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27042 | Grey-white contrast in parsorbitalis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27008 | Grey-white contrast in parstriangularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27043 | Grey-white contrast in parstriangularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27009 | Grey-white contrast in pericalcarine (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27044 | Grey-white contrast in pericalcarine (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27010 | Grey-white contrast in postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27045 | Grey-white contrast in postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27011 | Grey-white contrast in posteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27046 | Grey-white contrast in posteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27012 | Grey-white contrast in precentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27047 | Grey-white contrast in precentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27013 | Grey-white contrast in precuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27048 | Grey-white contrast in precuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27014 | Grey-white contrast in rostralanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27049 | Grey-white contrast in rostralanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27015 | Grey-white contrast in rostralmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27050 | Grey-white contrast in rostralmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27016 | Grey-white contrast in superiorfrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27051 | Grey-white contrast in superiorfrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27017 | Grey-white contrast in superiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27052 | Grey-white contrast in superiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27018 | Grey-white contrast in superiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27053 | Grey-white contrast in superiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27019 | Grey-white contrast in supramarginal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27054 | Grey-white contrast in supramarginal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27021 | Grey-white contrast in temporalpole (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27056 | Grey-white contrast in temporalpole (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27022 | Grey-white contrast in transversetemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27057 | Grey-white contrast in transversetemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
26989 | Grey-white contrast in unknown (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
27024 | Grey-white contrast in unknown (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan gw |
23264 | Gynoid tissue fat percentage | Body composition by DXA |
23265 | Gynoid total mass | Body composition by DXA |
23406 | HDL Cholesterol | NMR metabolomics |
30760 | HDL cholesterol | Blood biochemistry |
26046 | Haem iron | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
30030 | Haematocrit percentage | Blood count |
30020 | Haemoglobin concentration | Blood count |
23306 | Head BMC (bone mineral content) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23226 | Head BMD (bone mineral density) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23305 | Head bone area | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
26413 | Health score (England) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26430 | Health score (Scotland) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26420 | Health score (Wales) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
3085 | Heel Broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), manual entry | Bone-densitometry of heel |
3144 | Heel Broadband ultrasound attenuation, direct entry | Bone-densitometry of heel |
3148 | Heel bone mineral density (BMD) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4105 | Heel bone mineral density (BMD) (left) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4124 | Heel bone mineral density (BMD) (right) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
78 | Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score, automated | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4106 | Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score, automated (left) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4125 | Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score, automated (right) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4138 | Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score, manual entry (left) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4143 | Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score, manual entry (right) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
3084 | Heel bone mineral density (BMD), manual entry | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4140 | Heel bone mineral density (BMD), manual entry (left) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4145 | Heel bone mineral density (BMD), manual entry (right) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
77 | Heel bone ultrasound T-score, manual entry | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4141 | Heel broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), manual entry (left) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4146 | Heel broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), manual entry (right) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4101 | Heel broadband ultrasound attenuation (left) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4120 | Heel broadband ultrasound attenuation (right) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
3147 | Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), direct entry | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4104 | Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), direct entry (left) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4123 | Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), direct entry (right) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
3083 | Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), manual entry | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4139 | Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), manual entry (left) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
4144 | Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), manual entry (right) | Bone-densitometry of heel |
22003 | Heterozygosity | Genotyping process and sample QC |
22004 | Heterozygosity, PCA corrected | Genotyping process and sample QC |
26099 | High fat cheese | Total weight by food group yesterday |
30300 | High light scatter reticulocyte count | Blood count |
30290 | High light scatter reticulocyte percentage | Blood count |
49 | Hip circumference | Body size measures |
20300 | Hip shape mode score 1 | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
20309 | Hip shape mode score 10 | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
20301 | Hip shape mode score 2 | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
20302 | Hip shape mode score 3 | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
20303 | Hip shape mode score 4 | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
20304 | Hip shape mode score 5 | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
20305 | Hip shape mode score 6 | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
20306 | Hip shape mode score 7 | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
20307 | Hip shape mode score 8 | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
20308 | Hip shape mode score 9 | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23463 | Histidine | NMR metabolomics |
26415 | Housing score (England) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26432 | Housing score (Scotland) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26423 | Housing score (Wales) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
30770 | IGF-1 | Blood biochemistry |
28506 | INL-ELM thickness of the central subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28507 | INL-ELM thickness of the central subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28508 | INL-ELM thickness of the inner subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28509 | INL-ELM thickness of the inner subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28510 | INL-ELM thickness of the outer subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28511 | INL-ELM thickness of the outer subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28530 | INL-RPE thickness of central subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28531 | INL-RPE thickness of central subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28532 | INL-RPE thickness of inner subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28533 | INL-RPE thickness of inner subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28534 | INL-RPE thickness of outer subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28535 | INL-RPE thickness of outer subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28522 | ISOS-RPE thickness of central subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28523 | ISOS-RPE thickness of central subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28524 | ISOS-RPE thickness of inner subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28525 | ISOS-RPE thickness of inner subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
28526 | ISOS-RPE thickness of outer subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
28527 | ISOS-RPE thickness of outer subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
30280 | Immature reticulocyte fraction | Blood count |
23110 | Impedance of arm (left) | Body composition by impedance |
23109 | Impedance of arm (right) | Body composition by impedance |
23108 | Impedance of leg (left) | Body composition by impedance |
23107 | Impedance of leg (right) | Body composition by impedance |
23106 | Impedance of whole body | Body composition by impedance |
26411 | Income score (England) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26428 | Income score (Scotland) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26418 | Income score (Wales) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26410 | Index of Multiple Deprivation (England) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26427 | Index of Multiple Deprivation (Scotland) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26426 | Index of Multiple Deprivation (Wales) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
20007 | Interpolated Age of participant when cancer first diagnosed | Medical conditions |
20009 | Interpolated Age of participant when non-cancer illness first diagnosed | Medical conditions |
20011 | Interpolated Age of participant when operation took place | Operations |
20006 | Interpolated Year when cancer first diagnosed | Medical conditions |
20008 | Interpolated Year when non-cancer illness first diagnosed | Medical conditions |
20010 | Interpolated Year when operation took place | Operations |
5263 | Intra-ocular pressure, Goldmann-correlated (left) | Intraocular pressure |
5255 | Intra-ocular pressure, Goldmann-correlated (right) | Intraocular pressure |
5262 | Intra-ocular pressure, corneal-compensated (left) | Intraocular pressure |
5254 | Intra-ocular pressure, corneal-compensated (right) | Intraocular pressure |
26050 | Intrinsic and milk sugars | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
24012 | Inverse distance to the nearest major road | Residential air pollution |
24010 | Inverse distance to the nearest road | Residential air pollution |
25735 | Inverted contrast-to-noise ratio in T1 | T1 structural brain MRI |
25734 | Inverted signal-to-noise ratio in T1 | T1 structural brain MRI |
25744 | Inverted temporal signal-to-noise ratio in artefact-cleaned pre-processed rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
25743 | Inverted temporal signal-to-noise ratio in pre-processed rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
25745 | Inverted temporal signal-to-noise ratio in pre-processed tfMRI | Task functional brain MRI |
26047 | Iodine | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26019 | Iron | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100011 | Iron | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
24650 | Isolated SVE - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | # |
24733 | Isolated SVE - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24648 | Isolated VE - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | # |
24739 | Isolated VE - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
23465 | Isoleucine | NMR metabolomics |
7393 | Keratometry R1 radius (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7391 | Keratometry R1 radius (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7399 | Keratometry R1 spherical value (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7397 | Keratometry R1 spherical value (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7394 | Keratometry R2 radius (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7392 | Keratometry R2 radius (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7400 | Keratometry R2 spherical value (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7398 | Keratometry R2 spherical value (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7395 | Keratometry average radius (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7396 | Keratometry average radius (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7401 | Keratometry average spherical value (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7402 | Keratometry average spherical value (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7529 | Keratometry median R1 radius (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7507 | Keratometry median R1 radius (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7530 | Keratometry median R1 spherical value (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7508 | Keratometry median R1 spherical value (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7532 | Keratometry median R2 radius (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7510 | Keratometry median R2 radius (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7533 | Keratometry median R2 spherical value (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7511 | Keratometry median R2 spherical value (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7535 | Keratometry median average radius (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7513 | Keratometry median average radius (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7536 | Keratometry median average spherical value (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7514 | Keratometry median average spherical value (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7537 | Keratometry median spherical value (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7515 | Keratometry median spherical value (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7404 | Keratometry spherical value (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7403 | Keratometry spherical value (right) | Refractometer 2 |
21163 | Kidney distance | Kidney derived measures |
21161 | Kidney parenchyma (left) | Kidney derived measures |
21162 | Kidney parenchyma (right) | Kidney derived measures |
21160 | Kidney parenchyma total | Kidney derived measures |
23203 | L1-L4 BMC (bone mineral content) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23204 | L1-L4 BMD (bone mineral density) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23205 | L1-L4 BMD (bone mineral density) T-score | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
21005 | L1-L4 TBS (trabecular bone score) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23200 | L1-L4 area | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23201 | L1-L4 average height | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23202 | L1-L4 average width | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
24113 | LA ejection fraction | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24110 | LA maximum volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24111 | LA minimum volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24112 | LA stroke volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
23405 | LDL Cholesterol | NMR metabolomics |
30780 | LDL direct | Blood biochemistry |
24104 | LV cardiac output | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24141 | LV circumferential strain AHA 1 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24150 | LV circumferential strain AHA 10 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24151 | LV circumferential strain AHA 11 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24152 | LV circumferential strain AHA 12 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24153 | LV circumferential strain AHA 13 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24154 | LV circumferential strain AHA 14 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24155 | LV circumferential strain AHA 15 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24156 | LV circumferential strain AHA 16 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24142 | LV circumferential strain AHA 2 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24143 | LV circumferential strain AHA 3 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24144 | LV circumferential strain AHA 4 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24145 | LV circumferential strain AHA 5 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24146 | LV circumferential strain AHA 6 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24147 | LV circumferential strain AHA 7 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24148 | LV circumferential strain AHA 8 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24149 | LV circumferential strain AHA 9 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24157 | LV circumferential strain global | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24103 | LV ejection fraction | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24100 | LV end diastolic volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24101 | LV end systolic volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24175 | LV longitudinal strain Segment 1 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24176 | LV longitudinal strain Segment 2 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24177 | LV longitudinal strain Segment 3 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24178 | LV longitudinal strain Segment 4 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24179 | LV longitudinal strain Segment 5 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24180 | LV longitudinal strain Segment 6 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24181 | LV longitudinal strain global | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24124 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 1 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24133 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 10 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24134 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 11 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24135 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 12 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24136 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 13 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24137 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 14 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24138 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 15 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24139 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 16 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24125 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 2 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24126 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 3 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24127 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 4 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24128 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 5 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24129 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 6 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24130 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 7 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24131 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 8 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24132 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness AHA 9 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24140 | LV mean myocardial wall thickness global | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24105 | LV myocardial mass | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24158 | LV radial strain AHA 1 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24167 | LV radial strain AHA 10 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24168 | LV radial strain AHA 11 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24169 | LV radial strain AHA 12 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24170 | LV radial strain AHA 13 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24171 | LV radial strain AHA 14 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24172 | LV radial strain AHA 15 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24173 | LV radial strain AHA 16 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24159 | LV radial strain AHA 2 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24160 | LV radial strain AHA 3 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24161 | LV radial strain AHA 4 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24162 | LV radial strain AHA 5 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24163 | LV radial strain AHA 6 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24164 | LV radial strain AHA 7 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24165 | LV radial strain AHA 8 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24166 | LV radial strain AHA 9 | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24174 | LV radial strain global | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24102 | LV stroke volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
23471 | Lactate | NMR metabolomics |
26048 | Lactose | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26100 | Lamb | Total weight by food group yesterday |
20311 | Lateral centre-edge angle | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
31075 | Left atrial biplanar max volume | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31076 | Left atrial biplaner min volume | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31071 | Left atrium max volume - 2 channel | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31073 | Left atrium max volume - 4 channel | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31072 | Left atrium min volume - 2 channel | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31074 | Left atrium min volume - 4 channel | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
21081 | Left kidney volume | Abdominal organ composition |
31060 | Left ventricular ejection fraction | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31061 | Left ventricular end diastolic volume | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31062 | Left ventricular end systolic volume | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31063 | Left ventricular mass | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31064 | Left ventricular stroke volume | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
23320 | Leg BMC (bone mineral content) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23228 | Leg BMC (bone mineral content) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23227 | Leg BMD (bone mineral density) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23229 | Leg BMD (bone mineral density) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23315 | Leg bone area (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23316 | Leg bone area (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23116 | Leg fat mass (left) | Body composition by impedance |
23112 | Leg fat mass (right) | Body composition by impedance |
23115 | Leg fat percentage (left) | Body composition by impedance |
23111 | Leg fat percentage (right) | Body composition by impedance |
23117 | Leg fat-free mass (left) | Body composition by impedance |
23113 | Leg fat-free mass (right) | Body composition by impedance |
23118 | Leg predicted mass (left) | Body composition by impedance |
23114 | Leg predicted mass (right) | Body composition by impedance |
23268 | Leg tissue fat percentage (left) | Body composition by DXA |
23272 | Leg tissue fat percentage (right) | Body composition by DXA |
23269 | Leg total mass (left) | Body composition by DXA |
23273 | Leg total mass (right) | Body composition by DXA |
23230 | Legs BMC (bone mineral content) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23231 | Legs BMD (bone mineral density) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23318 | Legs combined bone area | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23276 | Legs tissue fat percentage | Body composition by DXA |
23277 | Legs total mass | Body composition by DXA |
26101 | Legumes and pulses | Total weight by food group yesterday |
23466 | Leucine | NMR metabolomics |
40048 | Light - Overall average | Derived accelerometry |
23449 | Linoleic Acid | NMR metabolomics |
23456 | Linoleic Acid to Total Fatty Acids percentage | NMR metabolomics |
30790 | Lipoprotein A | Blood biochemistry |
21088 | Liver PDFF (fat fraction) | Abdominal organ composition |
21092 | Liver PDFF (fat fraction) - gradient echo | Abdominal organ composition |
21089 | Liver iron | Abdominal organ composition |
40060 | Liver iron (Fe) | Liver MRI |
21093 | Liver iron (Fe) - gradient echo | Abdominal organ composition |
40062 | Liver iron corrected T1 (ct1) | Liver MRI |
21080 | Liver volume | Abdominal organ composition |
26417 | Living environment score (England) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26102 | Low fat yogurt | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26126 | Low/non sugar sugar-sweetened beverages | Total weight by food group yesterday |
21084 | Lung volume | Abdominal organ composition |
30120 | Lymphocyte count | Blood count |
30180 | Lymphocyte percentage | Blood count |
22038 | MET minutes per week for moderate activity | MET Scores |
22039 | MET minutes per week for vigorous activity | MET Scores |
22037 | MET minutes per week for walking | MET Scores |
27802 | Macular thickness at the central subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27803 | Macular thickness at the central subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27804 | Macular thickness at the inner inferior subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27805 | Macular thickness at the inner inferior subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27806 | Macular thickness at the inner nasal subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27807 | Macular thickness at the inner nasal subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27808 | Macular thickness at the inner superior subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27809 | Macular thickness at the inner superior subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27810 | Macular thickness at the inner temporal subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27811 | Macular thickness at the inner temporal subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27812 | Macular thickness at the outer inferior subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27813 | Macular thickness at the outer inferior subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27814 | Macular thickness at the outer nasal subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27815 | Macular thickness at the outer nasal subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27816 | Macular thickness at the outer superior subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27817 | Macular thickness at the outer superior subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27818 | Macular thickness at the outer temporal subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27819 | Macular thickness at the outer temporal subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
26025 | Magnesium | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100017 | Magnesium | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
31096 | Main pulmonary artery | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
26049 | Maltose | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26051 | Manganese | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26120 | Mashed potatoes | Total weight by food group yesterday |
22672 | Maximum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 120 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
22675 | Maximum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 150 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
22678 | Maximum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 210 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
22681 | Maximum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 240 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
24405 | Mean ATT in Caudate (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24404 | Mean ATT in Caudate (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24388 | Mean ATT in Cerebellum in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24387 | Mean ATT in Cerebellum in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24390 | Mean ATT in Frontal Lobe in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24389 | Mean ATT in Frontal Lobe in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24398 | Mean ATT in Internal Carotid Artery vascular territory in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24397 | Mean ATT in Internal Carotid Artery vascular territory in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24392 | Mean ATT in Occipital Lobe in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24391 | Mean ATT in Occipital Lobe in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24394 | Mean ATT in Parietal Lobe in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24393 | Mean ATT in Parietal Lobe in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24407 | Mean ATT in Putamen (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24406 | Mean ATT in Putamen (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24396 | Mean ATT in Temporal Lobe in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24395 | Mean ATT in Temporal Lobe in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24409 | Mean ATT in Thalamus (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24408 | Mean ATT in Thalamus (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24399 | Mean ATT in VertebroBasilar Arteries vascular territories in grey matter | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24402 | Mean ATT in cerebrum in white matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24403 | Mean ATT in cerebrum in white matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24401 | Mean ATT in cerebrum in white matter and >50% cerebral partial volume | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24386 | Mean ATT in cortex in grey matter | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24385 | Mean ATT in whole brain in grey matter | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24400 | Mean ATT in whole brain in white matter | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24380 | Mean CBF in Caudate (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24379 | Mean CBF in Caudate (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24363 | Mean CBF in Cerebellum in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24362 | Mean CBF in Cerebellum in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24365 | Mean CBF in Frontal Lobe in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24364 | Mean CBF in Frontal Lobe in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24373 | Mean CBF in Internal Carotid Artery vascular territory in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24372 | Mean CBF in Internal Carotid Artery vascular territory in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24367 | Mean CBF in Occipital Lobe in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24366 | Mean CBF in Occipital Lobe in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24369 | Mean CBF in Parietal Lobe in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24368 | Mean CBF in Parietal Lobe in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24382 | Mean CBF in Putamen (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24381 | Mean CBF in Putamen (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24371 | Mean CBF in Temporal Lobe in grey matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24370 | Mean CBF in Temporal Lobe in grey matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24384 | Mean CBF in Thalamus (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24383 | Mean CBF in Thalamus (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24374 | Mean CBF in VertebroBasilar Arteries vascular territories in grey matter | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24377 | Mean CBF in cerebrum in white matter (left) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24378 | Mean CBF in cerebrum in white matter (right) | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24376 | Mean CBF in cerebrum in white matter and >50% cerebral partial volume | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24361 | Mean CBF in cortex in grey matter | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24360 | Mean CBF in whole brain in grey matter | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
24375 | Mean CBF in whole brain in white matter | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI |
25079 | Mean FA in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25078 | Mean FA in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25073 | Mean FA in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25072 | Mean FA in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25059 | Mean FA in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25071 | Mean FA in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25070 | Mean FA in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25091 | Mean FA in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25090 | Mean FA in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25093 | Mean FA in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25092 | Mean FA in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25063 | Mean FA in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25062 | Mean FA in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25089 | Mean FA in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25088 | Mean FA in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25095 | Mean FA in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25094 | Mean FA in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25061 | Mean FA in fornix on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25058 | Mean FA in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25067 | Mean FA in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25066 | Mean FA in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25065 | Mean FA in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25064 | Mean FA in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25056 | Mean FA in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25057 | Mean FA in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25083 | Mean FA in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25082 | Mean FA in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25075 | Mean FA in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25074 | Mean FA in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25085 | Mean FA in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25084 | Mean FA in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25077 | Mean FA in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25076 | Mean FA in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25087 | Mean FA in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25086 | Mean FA in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25060 | Mean FA in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25069 | Mean FA in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25068 | Mean FA in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25081 | Mean FA in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25080 | Mean FA in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25099 | Mean FA in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25098 | Mean FA in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25097 | Mean FA in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25096 | Mean FA in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25103 | Mean FA in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25102 | Mean FA in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25101 | Mean FA in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25100 | Mean FA in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25367 | Mean ICVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25366 | Mean ICVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25361 | Mean ICVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25360 | Mean ICVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25347 | Mean ICVF in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25359 | Mean ICVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25358 | Mean ICVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25379 | Mean ICVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25378 | Mean ICVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25381 | Mean ICVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25380 | Mean ICVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25351 | Mean ICVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25350 | Mean ICVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25377 | Mean ICVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25376 | Mean ICVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25383 | Mean ICVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25382 | Mean ICVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25349 | Mean ICVF in fornix on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25346 | Mean ICVF in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25355 | Mean ICVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25354 | Mean ICVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25353 | Mean ICVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25352 | Mean ICVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25344 | Mean ICVF in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25345 | Mean ICVF in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25371 | Mean ICVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25370 | Mean ICVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25363 | Mean ICVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25362 | Mean ICVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25373 | Mean ICVF in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25372 | Mean ICVF in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25365 | Mean ICVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25364 | Mean ICVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25375 | Mean ICVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25374 | Mean ICVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25348 | Mean ICVF in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25357 | Mean ICVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25356 | Mean ICVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25369 | Mean ICVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25368 | Mean ICVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25387 | Mean ICVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25386 | Mean ICVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25385 | Mean ICVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25384 | Mean ICVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25391 | Mean ICVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25390 | Mean ICVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25389 | Mean ICVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25388 | Mean ICVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25463 | Mean ISOVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25462 | Mean ISOVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25457 | Mean ISOVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25456 | Mean ISOVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25443 | Mean ISOVF in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25455 | Mean ISOVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25454 | Mean ISOVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25475 | Mean ISOVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25474 | Mean ISOVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25477 | Mean ISOVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25476 | Mean ISOVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25447 | Mean ISOVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25446 | Mean ISOVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25473 | Mean ISOVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25472 | Mean ISOVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25479 | Mean ISOVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25478 | Mean ISOVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25445 | Mean ISOVF in fornix on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25442 | Mean ISOVF in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25451 | Mean ISOVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25450 | Mean ISOVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25449 | Mean ISOVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25448 | Mean ISOVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25440 | Mean ISOVF in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25441 | Mean ISOVF in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25467 | Mean ISOVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25466 | Mean ISOVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25459 | Mean ISOVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25458 | Mean ISOVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25469 | Mean ISOVF in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25468 | Mean ISOVF in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25461 | Mean ISOVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25460 | Mean ISOVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25471 | Mean ISOVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25470 | Mean ISOVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25444 | Mean ISOVF in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25453 | Mean ISOVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25452 | Mean ISOVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25465 | Mean ISOVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25464 | Mean ISOVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25483 | Mean ISOVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25482 | Mean ISOVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25481 | Mean ISOVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25480 | Mean ISOVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25487 | Mean ISOVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25486 | Mean ISOVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25485 | Mean ISOVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25484 | Mean ISOVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25223 | Mean L1 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25222 | Mean L1 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25217 | Mean L1 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25216 | Mean L1 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25203 | Mean L1 in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25215 | Mean L1 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25214 | Mean L1 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25235 | Mean L1 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25234 | Mean L1 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25237 | Mean L1 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25236 | Mean L1 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25207 | Mean L1 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25206 | Mean L1 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25233 | Mean L1 in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25232 | Mean L1 in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25239 | Mean L1 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25238 | Mean L1 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25205 | Mean L1 in fornix on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25202 | Mean L1 in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25211 | Mean L1 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25210 | Mean L1 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25209 | Mean L1 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25208 | Mean L1 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25200 | Mean L1 in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25201 | Mean L1 in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25227 | Mean L1 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25226 | Mean L1 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25219 | Mean L1 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25218 | Mean L1 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25229 | Mean L1 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25228 | Mean L1 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25221 | Mean L1 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25220 | Mean L1 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25231 | Mean L1 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25230 | Mean L1 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25204 | Mean L1 in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25213 | Mean L1 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25212 | Mean L1 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25225 | Mean L1 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25224 | Mean L1 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25243 | Mean L1 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25242 | Mean L1 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25241 | Mean L1 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25240 | Mean L1 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25247 | Mean L1 in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25246 | Mean L1 in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25245 | Mean L1 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25244 | Mean L1 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25271 | Mean L2 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25270 | Mean L2 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25265 | Mean L2 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25264 | Mean L2 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25251 | Mean L2 in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25263 | Mean L2 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25262 | Mean L2 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25283 | Mean L2 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25282 | Mean L2 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25285 | Mean L2 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25284 | Mean L2 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25255 | Mean L2 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25254 | Mean L2 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25281 | Mean L2 in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25280 | Mean L2 in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25287 | Mean L2 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25286 | Mean L2 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25253 | Mean L2 in fornix on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25250 | Mean L2 in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25259 | Mean L2 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25258 | Mean L2 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25257 | Mean L2 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25256 | Mean L2 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25248 | Mean L2 in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25249 | Mean L2 in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25275 | Mean L2 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25274 | Mean L2 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25267 | Mean L2 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25266 | Mean L2 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25277 | Mean L2 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25276 | Mean L2 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25269 | Mean L2 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25268 | Mean L2 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25279 | Mean L2 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25278 | Mean L2 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25252 | Mean L2 in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25261 | Mean L2 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25260 | Mean L2 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25273 | Mean L2 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25272 | Mean L2 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25291 | Mean L2 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25290 | Mean L2 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25289 | Mean L2 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25288 | Mean L2 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25295 | Mean L2 in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25294 | Mean L2 in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25293 | Mean L2 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25292 | Mean L2 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25319 | Mean L3 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25318 | Mean L3 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25313 | Mean L3 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25312 | Mean L3 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25299 | Mean L3 in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25311 | Mean L3 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25310 | Mean L3 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25331 | Mean L3 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25330 | Mean L3 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25333 | Mean L3 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25332 | Mean L3 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25303 | Mean L3 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25302 | Mean L3 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25329 | Mean L3 in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25328 | Mean L3 in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25335 | Mean L3 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25334 | Mean L3 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25301 | Mean L3 in fornix on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25298 | Mean L3 in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25307 | Mean L3 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25306 | Mean L3 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25305 | Mean L3 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25304 | Mean L3 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25296 | Mean L3 in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25297 | Mean L3 in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25323 | Mean L3 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25322 | Mean L3 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25315 | Mean L3 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25314 | Mean L3 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25325 | Mean L3 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25324 | Mean L3 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25317 | Mean L3 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25316 | Mean L3 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25327 | Mean L3 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25326 | Mean L3 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25300 | Mean L3 in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25309 | Mean L3 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25308 | Mean L3 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25321 | Mean L3 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25320 | Mean L3 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25339 | Mean L3 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25338 | Mean L3 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25337 | Mean L3 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25336 | Mean L3 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25343 | Mean L3 in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25342 | Mean L3 in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25341 | Mean L3 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25340 | Mean L3 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25127 | Mean MD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25126 | Mean MD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25121 | Mean MD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25120 | Mean MD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25107 | Mean MD in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25119 | Mean MD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25118 | Mean MD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25139 | Mean MD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25138 | Mean MD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25141 | Mean MD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25140 | Mean MD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25111 | Mean MD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25110 | Mean MD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25137 | Mean MD in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25136 | Mean MD in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25143 | Mean MD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25142 | Mean MD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25109 | Mean MD in fornix on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25106 | Mean MD in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25115 | Mean MD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25114 | Mean MD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25113 | Mean MD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25112 | Mean MD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25104 | Mean MD in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25105 | Mean MD in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25131 | Mean MD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25130 | Mean MD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25123 | Mean MD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25122 | Mean MD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25133 | Mean MD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25132 | Mean MD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25125 | Mean MD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25124 | Mean MD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25135 | Mean MD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25134 | Mean MD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25108 | Mean MD in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25117 | Mean MD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25116 | Mean MD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25129 | Mean MD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25128 | Mean MD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25147 | Mean MD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25146 | Mean MD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25145 | Mean MD in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25144 | Mean MD in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25151 | Mean MD in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25150 | Mean MD in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25149 | Mean MD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25148 | Mean MD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25175 | Mean MO in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25174 | Mean MO in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25169 | Mean MO in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25168 | Mean MO in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25155 | Mean MO in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25167 | Mean MO in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25166 | Mean MO in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25187 | Mean MO in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25186 | Mean MO in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25189 | Mean MO in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25188 | Mean MO in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25159 | Mean MO in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25158 | Mean MO in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25185 | Mean MO in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25184 | Mean MO in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25191 | Mean MO in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25190 | Mean MO in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25157 | Mean MO in fornix on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25154 | Mean MO in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25163 | Mean MO in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25162 | Mean MO in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25161 | Mean MO in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25160 | Mean MO in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25152 | Mean MO in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25153 | Mean MO in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25179 | Mean MO in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25178 | Mean MO in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25171 | Mean MO in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25170 | Mean MO in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25181 | Mean MO in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25180 | Mean MO in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25173 | Mean MO in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25172 | Mean MO in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25183 | Mean MO in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25182 | Mean MO in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25156 | Mean MO in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25165 | Mean MO in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25164 | Mean MO in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25177 | Mean MO in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25176 | Mean MO in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25195 | Mean MO in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25194 | Mean MO in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25193 | Mean MO in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25192 | Mean MO in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25199 | Mean MO in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25198 | Mean MO in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25197 | Mean MO in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25196 | Mean MO in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25415 | Mean OD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25414 | Mean OD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25409 | Mean OD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25408 | Mean OD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25395 | Mean OD in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25407 | Mean OD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25406 | Mean OD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25427 | Mean OD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25426 | Mean OD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25429 | Mean OD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25428 | Mean OD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25399 | Mean OD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25398 | Mean OD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25425 | Mean OD in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25424 | Mean OD in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25431 | Mean OD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25430 | Mean OD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25397 | Mean OD in fornix on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25394 | Mean OD in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25403 | Mean OD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25402 | Mean OD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25401 | Mean OD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25400 | Mean OD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25392 | Mean OD in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25393 | Mean OD in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25419 | Mean OD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25418 | Mean OD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25411 | Mean OD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25410 | Mean OD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25421 | Mean OD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25420 | Mean OD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25413 | Mean OD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25412 | Mean OD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25423 | Mean OD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25422 | Mean OD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25396 | Mean OD in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton | dMRI skeleton |
25405 | Mean OD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25404 | Mean OD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25417 | Mean OD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25416 | Mean OD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25435 | Mean OD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25434 | Mean OD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25433 | Mean OD in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25432 | Mean OD in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25439 | Mean OD in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25438 | Mean OD in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
25437 | Mean OD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) | dMRI skeleton |
25436 | Mean OD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) | dMRI skeleton |
31128 | Mean absolute deviation of ascending aorta area | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31129 | Mean absolute deviation of proximal descending aorta area | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
24450 | Mean absolute head motion from dMRI | Diffusion brain MRI |
24438 | Mean absolute head motion from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24444 | Mean absolute head motion from tfMRI | Task functional brain MRI |
22671 | Mean carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 120 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
22674 | Mean carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 150 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
22677 | Mean carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 210 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
22680 | Mean carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 240 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
30050 | Mean corpuscular haemoglobin | Blood count |
30060 | Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration | Blood count |
30040 | Mean corpuscular volume | Blood count |
31085 | Mean estimate of area of pericardial fat | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
26501 | Mean intensity of 3rd-Ventricle (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26502 | Mean intensity of 4th-Ventricle (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26503 | Mean intensity of 5th-Ventricle (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26548 | Mean intensity of Accumbens-area (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26579 | Mean intensity of Accumbens-area (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26547 | Mean intensity of Amygdala (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26578 | Mean intensity of Amygdala (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26504 | Mean intensity of Brain-Stem (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26513 | Mean intensity of CC-Anterior (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26511 | Mean intensity of CC-Central (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26512 | Mean intensity of CC-Mid-Anterior (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26510 | Mean intensity of CC-Mid-Posterior (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26509 | Mean intensity of CC-Posterior (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26505 | Mean intensity of CSF (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26543 | Mean intensity of Caudate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26574 | Mean intensity of Caudate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26541 | Mean intensity of Cerebellum-Cortex (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26572 | Mean intensity of Cerebellum-Cortex (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26540 | Mean intensity of Cerebellum-White-Matter (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26571 | Mean intensity of Cerebellum-White-Matter (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26546 | Mean intensity of Hippocampus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26577 | Mean intensity of Hippocampus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26539 | Mean intensity of Inf-Lat-Vent (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26570 | Mean intensity of Inf-Lat-Vent (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26538 | Mean intensity of Lateral-Ventricle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26569 | Mean intensity of Lateral-Ventricle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26508 | Mean intensity of Optic-Chiasm (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26545 | Mean intensity of Pallidum (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26576 | Mean intensity of Pallidum (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26544 | Mean intensity of Putamen (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26575 | Mean intensity of Putamen (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26542 | Mean intensity of Thalamus-Proper (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26573 | Mean intensity of Thalamus-Proper (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26549 | Mean intensity of VentralDC (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26580 | Mean intensity of VentralDC (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26506 | Mean intensity of WM-hypointensities (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26551 | Mean intensity of choroid-plexus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26582 | Mean intensity of choroid-plexus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26507 | Mean intensity of non-WM-hypointensities (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26550 | Mean intensity of vessel (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26581 | Mean intensity of vessel (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
24457 | Mean of mean (across space) in-plane displacement from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24460 | Mean of mean (across space) of Z displacement from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
27853 | Mean of vertical disc diameter (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27854 | Mean of vertical disc diameter (right) | Derived OCT measures |
30100 | Mean platelet (thrombocyte) volume | Blood count |
24453 | Mean relative head motion from dMRI | Diffusion brain MRI |
24441 | Mean relative head motion from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24447 | Mean relative head motion from tfMRI | Task functional brain MRI |
30260 | Mean reticulocyte volume | Blood count |
25741 | Mean rfMRI head motion, averaged across space and time points | Resting functional brain MRI |
4233 | Mean signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), (left) | Hearing test |
4244 | Mean signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), (right) | Hearing test |
30270 | Mean sphered cell volume | Blood count |
25742 | Mean tfMRI head motion, averaged across space and time points | Task functional brain MRI |
27073 | Mean thickness of BA1 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27115 | Mean thickness of BA1 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27074 | Mean thickness of BA2 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27116 | Mean thickness of BA2 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27075 | Mean thickness of BA3a (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27117 | Mean thickness of BA3a (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27076 | Mean thickness of BA3b (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27118 | Mean thickness of BA3b (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27080 | Mean thickness of BA44 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27122 | Mean thickness of BA44 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27081 | Mean thickness of BA45 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27123 | Mean thickness of BA45 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27077 | Mean thickness of BA4a (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27119 | Mean thickness of BA4a (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27078 | Mean thickness of BA4p (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27120 | Mean thickness of BA4p (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27079 | Mean thickness of BA6 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27121 | Mean thickness of BA6 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27408 | Mean thickness of G+S-cingul-Ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27630 | Mean thickness of G+S-cingul-Ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27409 | Mean thickness of G+S-cingul-Mid-Ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27631 | Mean thickness of G+S-cingul-Mid-Ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27410 | Mean thickness of G+S-cingul-Mid-Post (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27632 | Mean thickness of G+S-cingul-Mid-Post (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27403 | Mean thickness of G+S-frontomargin (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27625 | Mean thickness of G+S-frontomargin (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27404 | Mean thickness of G+S-occipital-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27626 | Mean thickness of G+S-occipital-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27405 | Mean thickness of G+S-paracentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27627 | Mean thickness of G+S-paracentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27406 | Mean thickness of G+S-subcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27628 | Mean thickness of G+S-subcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27407 | Mean thickness of G+S-transv-frontopol (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27629 | Mean thickness of G+S-transv-frontopol (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27419 | Mean thickness of G-Ins-lg+S-cent-ins (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27641 | Mean thickness of G-Ins-lg+S-cent-ins (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27411 | Mean thickness of G-cingul-Post-dorsal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27633 | Mean thickness of G-cingul-Post-dorsal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27412 | Mean thickness of G-cingul-Post-ventral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27634 | Mean thickness of G-cingul-Post-ventral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27413 | Mean thickness of G-cuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27635 | Mean thickness of G-cuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27414 | Mean thickness of G-front-inf-Opercular (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27636 | Mean thickness of G-front-inf-Opercular (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27415 | Mean thickness of G-front-inf-Orbital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27637 | Mean thickness of G-front-inf-Orbital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27416 | Mean thickness of G-front-inf-Triangul (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27638 | Mean thickness of G-front-inf-Triangul (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27417 | Mean thickness of G-front-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27639 | Mean thickness of G-front-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27418 | Mean thickness of G-front-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27640 | Mean thickness of G-front-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27420 | Mean thickness of G-insular-short (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27642 | Mean thickness of G-insular-short (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27423 | Mean thickness of G-oc-temp-lat-fusifor (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27645 | Mean thickness of G-oc-temp-lat-fusifor (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27424 | Mean thickness of G-oc-temp-med-Lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27646 | Mean thickness of G-oc-temp-med-Lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27425 | Mean thickness of G-oc-temp-med-Parahip (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27647 | Mean thickness of G-oc-temp-med-Parahip (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27421 | Mean thickness of G-occipital-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27643 | Mean thickness of G-occipital-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27422 | Mean thickness of G-occipital-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27644 | Mean thickness of G-occipital-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27426 | Mean thickness of G-orbital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27648 | Mean thickness of G-orbital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27427 | Mean thickness of G-pariet-inf-Angular (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27649 | Mean thickness of G-pariet-inf-Angular (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27428 | Mean thickness of G-pariet-inf-Supramar (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27650 | Mean thickness of G-pariet-inf-Supramar (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27429 | Mean thickness of G-parietal-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27651 | Mean thickness of G-parietal-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27430 | Mean thickness of G-postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27652 | Mean thickness of G-postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27431 | Mean thickness of G-precentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27653 | Mean thickness of G-precentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27432 | Mean thickness of G-precuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27654 | Mean thickness of G-precuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27433 | Mean thickness of G-rectus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27655 | Mean thickness of G-rectus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27434 | Mean thickness of G-subcallosal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27656 | Mean thickness of G-subcallosal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27435 | Mean thickness of G-temp-sup-G-T-transv (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27657 | Mean thickness of G-temp-sup-G-T-transv (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27436 | Mean thickness of G-temp-sup-Lateral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27658 | Mean thickness of G-temp-sup-Lateral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27437 | Mean thickness of G-temp-sup-Plan-polar (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27659 | Mean thickness of G-temp-sup-Plan-polar (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27438 | Mean thickness of G-temp-sup-Plan-tempo (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27660 | Mean thickness of G-temp-sup-Plan-tempo (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27439 | Mean thickness of G-temporal-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27661 | Mean thickness of G-temporal-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27440 | Mean thickness of G-temporal-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27662 | Mean thickness of G-temporal-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
26755 | Mean thickness of GlobalMeanMean thickness (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26856 | Mean thickness of GlobalMeanMean thickness (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27441 | Mean thickness of Lat-Fis-ant-Horizont (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27663 | Mean thickness of Lat-Fis-ant-Horizont (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27442 | Mean thickness of Lat-Fis-ant-Vertical (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27664 | Mean thickness of Lat-Fis-ant-Vertical (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27443 | Mean thickness of Lat-Fis-post (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27665 | Mean thickness of Lat-Fis-post (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27084 | Mean thickness of MT (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27126 | Mean thickness of MT (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27444 | Mean thickness of Pole-occipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27666 | Mean thickness of Pole-occipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27445 | Mean thickness of Pole-temporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27667 | Mean thickness of Pole-temporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27446 | Mean thickness of S-calcarine (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27668 | Mean thickness of S-calcarine (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27447 | Mean thickness of S-central (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27669 | Mean thickness of S-central (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27448 | Mean thickness of S-cingul-Marginalis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27670 | Mean thickness of S-cingul-Marginalis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27449 | Mean thickness of S-circular-insula-ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27671 | Mean thickness of S-circular-insula-ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27450 | Mean thickness of S-circular-insula-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27672 | Mean thickness of S-circular-insula-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27451 | Mean thickness of S-circular-insula-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27673 | Mean thickness of S-circular-insula-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27452 | Mean thickness of S-collat-transv-ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27674 | Mean thickness of S-collat-transv-ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27453 | Mean thickness of S-collat-transv-post (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27675 | Mean thickness of S-collat-transv-post (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27454 | Mean thickness of S-front-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27676 | Mean thickness of S-front-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27455 | Mean thickness of S-front-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27677 | Mean thickness of S-front-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27456 | Mean thickness of S-front-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27678 | Mean thickness of S-front-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27457 | Mean thickness of S-interm-prim-Jensen (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27679 | Mean thickness of S-interm-prim-Jensen (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27458 | Mean thickness of S-intrapariet+P-trans (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27680 | Mean thickness of S-intrapariet+P-trans (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27459 | Mean thickness of S-oc-middle+Lunatus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27681 | Mean thickness of S-oc-middle+Lunatus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27460 | Mean thickness of S-oc-sup+transversal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27682 | Mean thickness of S-oc-sup+transversal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27462 | Mean thickness of S-oc-temp-lat (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27684 | Mean thickness of S-oc-temp-lat (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27463 | Mean thickness of S-oc-temp-med+Lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27685 | Mean thickness of S-oc-temp-med+Lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27461 | Mean thickness of S-occipital-ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27683 | Mean thickness of S-occipital-ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27466 | Mean thickness of S-orbital-H-Shaped (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27688 | Mean thickness of S-orbital-H-Shaped (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27464 | Mean thickness of S-orbital-lateral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27686 | Mean thickness of S-orbital-lateral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27465 | Mean thickness of S-orbital-med-olfact (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27687 | Mean thickness of S-orbital-med-olfact (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27467 | Mean thickness of S-parieto-occipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27689 | Mean thickness of S-parieto-occipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27468 | Mean thickness of S-pericallosal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27690 | Mean thickness of S-pericallosal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27469 | Mean thickness of S-postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27691 | Mean thickness of S-postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27470 | Mean thickness of S-precentral-inf-part (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27692 | Mean thickness of S-precentral-inf-part (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27471 | Mean thickness of S-precentral-sup-part (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27693 | Mean thickness of S-precentral-sup-part (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27472 | Mean thickness of S-suborbital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27694 | Mean thickness of S-suborbital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27473 | Mean thickness of S-subparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27695 | Mean thickness of S-subparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27474 | Mean thickness of S-temporal-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27696 | Mean thickness of S-temporal-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27475 | Mean thickness of S-temporal-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27697 | Mean thickness of S-temporal-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27476 | Mean thickness of S-temporal-transverse (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27698 | Mean thickness of S-temporal-transverse (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27082 | Mean thickness of V1 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27124 | Mean thickness of V1 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27083 | Mean thickness of V2 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27125 | Mean thickness of V2 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
26756 | Mean thickness of bankssts (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26857 | Mean thickness of bankssts (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26757 | Mean thickness of caudalanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27174 | Mean thickness of caudalanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26858 | Mean thickness of caudalanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27267 | Mean thickness of caudalanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26758 | Mean thickness of caudalmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27175 | Mean thickness of caudalmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26859 | Mean thickness of caudalmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27268 | Mean thickness of caudalmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26759 | Mean thickness of cuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27176 | Mean thickness of cuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26860 | Mean thickness of cuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27269 | Mean thickness of cuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26760 | Mean thickness of entorhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27086 | Mean thickness of entorhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27177 | Mean thickness of entorhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26861 | Mean thickness of entorhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27128 | Mean thickness of entorhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27270 | Mean thickness of entorhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26786 | Mean thickness of frontalpole (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26887 | Mean thickness of frontalpole (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26761 | Mean thickness of fusiform (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27178 | Mean thickness of fusiform (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26862 | Mean thickness of fusiform (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27271 | Mean thickness of fusiform (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26762 | Mean thickness of inferiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27179 | Mean thickness of inferiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26863 | Mean thickness of inferiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27272 | Mean thickness of inferiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26763 | Mean thickness of inferiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27180 | Mean thickness of inferiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26864 | Mean thickness of inferiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27273 | Mean thickness of inferiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26788 | Mean thickness of insula (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27204 | Mean thickness of insula (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26889 | Mean thickness of insula (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27297 | Mean thickness of insula (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26764 | Mean thickness of isthmuscingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27181 | Mean thickness of isthmuscingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26865 | Mean thickness of isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27274 | Mean thickness of isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26765 | Mean thickness of lateraloccipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27182 | Mean thickness of lateraloccipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26866 | Mean thickness of lateraloccipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27275 | Mean thickness of lateraloccipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26766 | Mean thickness of lateralorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27183 | Mean thickness of lateralorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26867 | Mean thickness of lateralorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27276 | Mean thickness of lateralorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26767 | Mean thickness of lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27184 | Mean thickness of lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26868 | Mean thickness of lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27277 | Mean thickness of lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26768 | Mean thickness of medialorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27185 | Mean thickness of medialorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26869 | Mean thickness of medialorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27278 | Mean thickness of medialorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26769 | Mean thickness of middletemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27186 | Mean thickness of middletemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26870 | Mean thickness of middletemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27279 | Mean thickness of middletemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26771 | Mean thickness of paracentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27188 | Mean thickness of paracentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26872 | Mean thickness of paracentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27281 | Mean thickness of paracentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26770 | Mean thickness of parahippocampal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27187 | Mean thickness of parahippocampal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26871 | Mean thickness of parahippocampal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27280 | Mean thickness of parahippocampal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26772 | Mean thickness of parsopercularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27189 | Mean thickness of parsopercularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26873 | Mean thickness of parsopercularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27282 | Mean thickness of parsopercularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26773 | Mean thickness of parsorbitalis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27190 | Mean thickness of parsorbitalis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26874 | Mean thickness of parsorbitalis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27283 | Mean thickness of parsorbitalis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26774 | Mean thickness of parstriangularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27191 | Mean thickness of parstriangularis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26875 | Mean thickness of parstriangularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27284 | Mean thickness of parstriangularis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26775 | Mean thickness of pericalcarine (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27192 | Mean thickness of pericalcarine (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26876 | Mean thickness of pericalcarine (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27285 | Mean thickness of pericalcarine (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
27085 | Mean thickness of perirhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27127 | Mean thickness of perirhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
26776 | Mean thickness of postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27193 | Mean thickness of postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26877 | Mean thickness of postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27286 | Mean thickness of postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26777 | Mean thickness of posteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27194 | Mean thickness of posteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26878 | Mean thickness of posteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27287 | Mean thickness of posteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26778 | Mean thickness of precentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27195 | Mean thickness of precentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26879 | Mean thickness of precentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27288 | Mean thickness of precentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26779 | Mean thickness of precuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27196 | Mean thickness of precuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26880 | Mean thickness of precuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27289 | Mean thickness of precuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26780 | Mean thickness of rostralanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27197 | Mean thickness of rostralanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26881 | Mean thickness of rostralanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27290 | Mean thickness of rostralanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26781 | Mean thickness of rostralmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27198 | Mean thickness of rostralmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26882 | Mean thickness of rostralmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27291 | Mean thickness of rostralmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26782 | Mean thickness of superiorfrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27199 | Mean thickness of superiorfrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26883 | Mean thickness of superiorfrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27292 | Mean thickness of superiorfrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26783 | Mean thickness of superiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27200 | Mean thickness of superiorparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26884 | Mean thickness of superiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27293 | Mean thickness of superiorparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26784 | Mean thickness of superiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27201 | Mean thickness of superiortemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26885 | Mean thickness of superiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27294 | Mean thickness of superiortemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26785 | Mean thickness of supramarginal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27202 | Mean thickness of supramarginal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26886 | Mean thickness of supramarginal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27295 | Mean thickness of supramarginal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26787 | Mean thickness of transversetemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27203 | Mean thickness of transversetemporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26888 | Mean thickness of transversetemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27296 | Mean thickness of transversetemporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
24419 | Measure of head motion in T1 structural image | Brain MRI |
26137 | Meat substitutes - soy | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26145 | Meat substitutes - vegetarian | Total weight by food group yesterday |
25052 | Median BOLD effect (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast | Task functional brain MRI |
32149 | Median BOLD effect (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25044 | Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces activation | Task functional brain MRI |
32141 | Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces activation surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25048 | Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast | Task functional brain MRI |
32145 | Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25040 | Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation | Task functional brain MRI |
32137 | Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25038 | Median T2star in accumbens (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25039 | Median T2star in accumbens (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25036 | Median T2star in amygdala (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25037 | Median T2star in amygdala (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25028 | Median T2star in caudate (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25029 | Median T2star in caudate (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25034 | Median T2star in hippocampus (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25035 | Median T2star in hippocampus (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25032 | Median T2star in pallidum (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25033 | Median T2star in pallidum (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25030 | Median T2star in putamen (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25031 | Median T2star in putamen (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24483 | Median T2star in substantia nigra (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24484 | Median T2star in substantia nigra (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25026 | Median T2star in thalamus (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
25027 | Median T2star in thalamus (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24451 | Median absolute head motion from dMRI | Diffusion brain MRI |
24439 | Median absolute head motion from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24445 | Median absolute head motion from tfMRI | Task functional brain MRI |
7518 | Median cylindrical power (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7496 | Median cylindrical power (right) | Refractometer 2 |
24479 | Median magnetic susceptibility in accumbens (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24480 | Median magnetic susceptibility in accumbens (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24477 | Median magnetic susceptibility in amygdala (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24478 | Median magnetic susceptibility in amygdala (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24469 | Median magnetic susceptibility in caudate (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24470 | Median magnetic susceptibility in caudate (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24475 | Median magnetic susceptibility in hippocampus (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24476 | Median magnetic susceptibility in hippocampus (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24473 | Median magnetic susceptibility in pallidum (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24474 | Median magnetic susceptibility in pallidum (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24471 | Median magnetic susceptibility in putamen (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24472 | Median magnetic susceptibility in putamen (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24481 | Median magnetic susceptibility in substantia nigra (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24482 | Median magnetic susceptibility in substantia nigra (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24467 | Median magnetic susceptibility in thalamus (left) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24468 | Median magnetic susceptibility in thalamus (right) | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI |
24458 | Median of mean (across space) in-plane displacement from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24461 | Median of mean (across space) of Z displacement from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24463 | Median of mean (across time) in-plane displacement from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24465 | Median of mean (across time) of Z displacement from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24454 | Median relative head motion from dMRI | Diffusion brain MRI |
24442 | Median relative head motion from rfMRI | Resting functional brain MRI |
24448 | Median relative head motion from tfMRI | Task functional brain MRI |
7520 | Median spherical equivalent value (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7498 | Median spherical equivalent value (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7517 | Median spherical power (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7495 | Median spherical power (right) | Refractometer 2 |
25054 | Median z-statistic (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast | Task functional brain MRI |
32151 | Median z-statistic (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25046 | Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces activation | Task functional brain MRI |
32143 | Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces activation surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25050 | Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast | Task functional brain MRI |
32147 | Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
25042 | Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation | Task functional brain MRI |
32139 | Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation surface | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI |
26103 | Medium and low fat cheese | Total weight by food group yesterday |
30500 | Microalbumin in urine | Urine assays |
26087 | Milk-based and powdered drinks | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26084 | Milk-dairy desserts | Total weight by food group yesterday |
22670 | Minimum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 120 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
22673 | Minimum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 150 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
22676 | Minimum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 210 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
22679 | Minimum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 240 degrees | Carotid ultrasound |
20312 | Minimum joint space width (mJSW) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
22005 | Missingness | Genotyping process and sample QC |
26071 | Mixed bread (50/50), brown and seeded | Total weight by food group yesterday |
40049 | Moderate-Vigorous - Overall average | Derived accelerometry |
90019 | Monday average acceleration | Acceleration averages |
30130 | Monocyte count | Blood count |
30190 | Monocyte percentage | Blood count |
23447 | Monounsaturated Fatty Acids | NMR metabolomics |
23454 | Monounsaturated Fatty Acids to Total Fatty Acids percentage | NMR metabolomics |
26032 | Monounsaturated fatty acids | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26105 | Muesli | Total weight by food group yesterday |
22435 | Muscle fat infiltration | Abdominal composition |
24506 | Natural environment percentage, buffer 1000m | Greenspace and coastal proximity |
24507 | Natural environment percentage, buffer 300m | Greenspace and coastal proximity |
30140 | Neutrophill count | Blood count |
30200 | Neutrophill percentage | Blood count |
26054 | Niacin equivalent | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
24016 | Nitrogen dioxide air pollution; 2005 | Residential air pollution |
24017 | Nitrogen dioxide air pollution; 2006 | Residential air pollution |
24018 | Nitrogen dioxide air pollution; 2007 | Residential air pollution |
24003 | Nitrogen dioxide air pollution; 2010 | Residential air pollution |
24004 | Nitrogen oxides air pollution; 2010 | Residential air pollution |
90091 | No-wear time bias adjusted acceleration maximum | Acceleration averages |
90089 | No-wear time bias adjusted acceleration median | Acceleration averages |
90090 | No-wear time bias adjusted acceleration minimum | Acceleration averages |
90088 | No-wear time bias adjusted acceleration standard deviation | Acceleration averages |
90087 | No-wear time bias adjusted average acceleration | Acceleration averages |
90052 | Non wear duration overall | Accelerometer wear time duration |
26053 | Non-haem iron | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26055 | Non-milk extrinsic sugars | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
30170 | Nucleated red blood cell count | Blood count |
30230 | Nucleated red blood cell percentage | Blood count |
12679 | Number of beats in waveform average for PWA - PVR | Pulse wave analysis |
26106 | Nut-based spreads | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26077 | Oat cereal (non sugar) | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26078 | Oat cereal (sugar) | Total weight by food group yesterday |
30800 | Oestradiol | Blood biochemistry |
26109 | Oily fish | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26110 | Olive oil (drizzling/dunking) | Total weight by food group yesterday |
23444 | Omega-3 Fatty Acids | NMR metabolomics |
23451 | Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Total Fatty Acids percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23445 | Omega-6 Fatty Acids | NMR metabolomics |
23459 | Omega-6 Fatty Acids to Omega-3 Fatty Acids ratio | NMR metabolomics |
23452 | Omega-6 Fatty Acids to Total Fatty Acids percentage | NMR metabolomics |
26056 | Other Sugars | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26072 | Other bread | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26079 | Other cereal (sugar) | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26085 | Other desserts and cakes and pastries | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26093 | Other fruit | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26104 | Other meat, offal | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26140 | Other sweets | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26146 | Other vegetables, including mushrooms, fruiting and mixed vegetables | Total weight by food group yesterday |
90012 | Overall acceleration average | Acceleration averages |
27822 | Overall average retinal pigment epithelium thickness (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27823 | Overall average retinal pigment epithelium thickness (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27800 | Overall macular thickness (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27801 | Overall macular thickness (right) | Derived OCT measures |
26201 | PRS genetic principal components | Polygenic Risk Scores |
20162 | Pack years adult smoking as proportion of life span exposed to smoking | Smoking |
20161 | Pack years of smoking | Smoking |
21090 | Pancreas PDFF (fat fraction) | Abdominal organ composition |
21091 | Pancreas iron | Abdominal organ composition |
21087 | Pancreas volume | Abdominal organ composition |
26057 | Pantothenic acid | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
24019 | Particulate matter air pollution (pm10); 2007 | Residential air pollution |
24005 | Particulate matter air pollution (pm10); 2010 | Residential air pollution |
24007 | Particulate matter air pollution (pm2.5) absorbance; 2010 | Residential air pollution |
24006 | Particulate matter air pollution (pm2.5); 2010 | Residential air pollution |
24008 | Particulate matter air pollution 2.5-10um; 2010 | Residential air pollution |
24725 | Pause - First Occurrence | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
26115 | Peas and sweetcorn | Total weight by food group yesterday |
23308 | Pelvis BMC (bone mineral content) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23232 | Pelvis BMD (bone mineral density) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23307 | Pelvis bone area | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
22631 | Period spent working day shifts | Employment history |
22641 | Period spent working mix of day and night shifts | Employment history |
22651 | Period spent working night shifts | Employment history |
23468 | Phenylalanine | NMR metabolomics |
30810 | Phosphate | Blood biochemistry |
23437 | Phosphatidylcholines | NMR metabolomics |
23434 | Phosphoglycerides | NMR metabolomics |
23483 | Phospholipids in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23414 | Phospholipids in HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23525 | Phospholipids in IDL | NMR metabolomics |
23413 | Phospholipids in LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23560 | Phospholipids in Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23532 | Phospholipids in Large LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23497 | Phospholipids in Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23567 | Phospholipids in Medium HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23539 | Phospholipids in Medium LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23504 | Phospholipids in Medium VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23574 | Phospholipids in Small HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23546 | Phospholipids in Small LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23511 | Phospholipids in Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23412 | Phospholipids in VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23553 | Phospholipids in Very Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23490 | Phospholipids in Very Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23518 | Phospholipids in Very Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23579 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23609 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in IDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23634 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Large HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23614 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Large LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23589 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23639 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Medium HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23619 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Medium LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23594 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Medium VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23644 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Small HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23624 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Small LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23599 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Small VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23629 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Very Large HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23584 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Very Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23604 | Phospholipids to Total Lipids in Very Small VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
26036 | Phosphorus | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26424 | Physical environment score (Wales) | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
26116 | Pizza | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26111 | Plant-based spread lower fat | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26112 | Plant-based spread normal | Total weight by food group yesterday |
31040 | Plasma Amyloid beta-40 | Neurobiomarkers |
31041 | Plasma Amyloid beta-42 | Neurobiomarkers |
31042 | Plasma Glial fibrillary acidic protein | Neurobiomarkers |
31043 | Plasma NeuroFilament Light | Neurobiomarkers |
31044 | Plasma pTau-181 | Neurobiomarkers |
30080 | Platelet count | Blood count |
30090 | Platelet crit | Blood count |
30110 | Platelet distribution width | Blood count |
23446 | Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids | NMR metabolomics |
23458 | Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids to Monounsaturated Fatty Acids ratio | NMR metabolomics |
23453 | Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids to Total Fatty Acids percentage | NMR metabolomics |
100007 | Polyunsaturated fat | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
26117 | Pork | Total weight by food group yesterday |
22406 | Posterior thigh fat-free muscle volume (left) | Abdominal composition |
22404 | Posterior thigh fat-free muscle volume (right) | Abdominal composition |
23355 | Posterior thigh muscle fat infiltration (MFI) (left) | Abdominal composition |
23356 | Posterior thigh muscle fat infiltration (MFI) (right) | Abdominal composition |
26024 | Potassium | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100016 | Potassium | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
30520 | Potassium in urine | Urine assays |
26118 | Potatoes and sweet potatoes (baked/boiled) | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26121 | Poultry | Total weight by food group yesterday |
31086 | Predicted dice similarity coefficient | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
26122 | Processed meat | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26005 | Protein | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100003 | Protein | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
40061 | Proton density fat fraction (PDFF) | Liver MRI |
21021 | Pulse wave Arterial Stiffness index | Arterial stiffness |
4207 | Pulse wave velocity (manual entry) | Arterial stiffness |
7539 | Pupil size (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7544 | Pupil size (right) | Refractometer 2 |
23472 | Pyruvate | NMR metabolomics |
28542 | QC - ILM indicator (left) | Quality control measures for OCT |
28543 | QC - ILM indicator (right) | Quality control measures for OCT |
28552 | QC - Image quality (left) | Quality control measures for OCT |
28553 | QC - Image quality (right) | Quality control measures for OCT |
28548 | QC - Max motion delta (left) | Quality control measures for OCT |
28549 | QC - Max motion delta (right) | Quality control measures for OCT |
28550 | QC - Max motion factor (left) | Quality control measures for OCT |
28551 | QC - Max motion factor (right) | Quality control measures for OCT |
28546 | QC - Min motion correlation (left) | Quality control measures for OCT |
28547 | QC - Min motion correlation (right) | Quality control measures for OCT |
24117 | RA ejection fraction | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24114 | RA maximum volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24115 | RA minimum volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24116 | RA stroke volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24109 | RV ejection fraction | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24106 | RV end diastolic volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24107 | RV end systolic volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
24108 | RV stroke volume | Cardiac and aortic function #1 |
30035 | Rate of ramp phase load increase (exercise test) | VO2max during exercise |
26123 | Raw salad | Total weight by food group yesterday |
30010 | Red blood cell (erythrocyte) count | Blood count |
30070 | Red blood cell (erythrocyte) distribution width | Blood count |
26152 | Red wine | Total weight by food group yesterday |
31116 | Regurgitation fraction with background correction | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31115 | Regurgitation fraction with no background correction | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
23402 | Remnant Cholesterol (Non-HDL, Non-LDL -Cholesterol) | NMR metabolomics |
30250 | Reticulocyte count | Blood count |
30240 | Reticulocyte percentage | Blood count |
27824 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at central subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27825 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at central subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27826 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at inner inferior subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27827 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at inner inferior subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27828 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at inner nasal subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27829 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at inner nasal subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27830 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at inner superior subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27831 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at inner superior subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27832 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at inner temporal subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27833 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at inner temporal subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27834 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at outer inferior subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27835 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at outer inferior subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27836 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at outer nasal subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27837 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at outer nasal subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27838 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at outer superior subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27839 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at outer superior subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27840 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at outer temporal subfield (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27841 | Retinal pigment epithelium thickness at outer temporal subfield (right) | Derived OCT measures |
26026 | Retinol | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100018 | Retinol | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
30820 | Rheumatoid factor | Blood biochemistry |
26035 | Riboflavin | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
23310 | Ribs BMC (bone mineral content) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23233 | Ribs BMD (bone mineral density) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23309 | Ribs bone area | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
26124 | Rice/oat milk | Total weight by food group yesterday |
31065 | Right atrial four-chamber max volume | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31066 | Right atrial four-chamber min volume | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
21082 | Right kidney volume | Abdominal organ composition |
31068 | Right ventricular ejection fraction | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31067 | Right ventricular end diastolic volume | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31069 | Right ventricular end systolic volume | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31070 | Right ventricular stroke volume | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
26125 | Root vegetables | Total weight by food group yesterday |
30830 | SHBG | Blood biochemistry |
24654 | SVE Couplets - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | # |
24735 | SVE Couplets - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24658 | SVE Triplets - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | # |
24737 | SVE Triplets - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24720 | SVT - First Occurrence | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24717 | SVT - Maximum Heart Rate | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
31103 | Sagittal (3Ch) aortic annulus at end-diastole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31104 | Sagittal (3Ch) aortic annulus at end-systole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31105 | Sagittal (3Ch) sino-tubular junction at end-diastole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31106 | Sagittal (3Ch) sino-tubular junction at end-systole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31107 | Sagittal (3Ch) sinus of Valsalva at end-diastole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31108 | Sagittal (3Ch) sinus of Valsalva at end-systole | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
26108 | Salted nuts and seeds | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26128 | Samosa, pakora | Total weight by food group yesterday |
90188 | Sample rate average | Raw accelerometer statistics |
90191 | Sample rate maximum | Raw accelerometer statistics |
90190 | Sample rate minimum | Raw accelerometer statistics |
90189 | Sample rate standard deviation | Raw accelerometer statistics |
23448 | Saturated Fatty Acids | NMR metabolomics |
23455 | Saturated Fatty Acids to Total Fatty Acids percentage | NMR metabolomics |
100006 | Saturated fat | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
26014 | Saturated fatty acids | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
90024 | Saturday average acceleration | Acceleration averages |
26129 | Sauces and condiments (high fat) | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26130 | Sauces and condiments (low fat) | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26083 | Savoury crackers | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26134 | Savoury snacks | Total weight by food group yesterday |
51 | Seated height | Body size measures |
40047 | Sedentary - Overall average | Derived accelerometry |
26058 | Selenium | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26131 | Semi skimmed milk | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26132 | Shellfish | Total weight by food group yesterday |
20015 | Sitting height | Body size measures |
26133 | Skimmed milk and cholesterol-lowering milk | Total weight by food group yesterday |
40046 | Sleep - Overall average | Derived accelerometry |
26052 | Sodium | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
30530 | Sodium in urine | Urine assays |
26135 | Soups | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26086 | Soy desserts and yogurt | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26136 | Soy milk | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26302 | Specific cognitive ability (AS) | Picture vocabulary |
20281 | Spectrometer-corrected alanine | NMR metabolomics |
20019 | Speech-reception-threshold (SRT) estimate (left) | Hearing test |
20021 | Speech-reception-threshold (SRT) estimate (right) | Hearing test |
7389 | Spherical equivalent value (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7390 | Spherical equivalent value (right) | Refractometer 2 |
5085 | Spherical power (left) | Refractometer 1 |
7381 | Spherical power (left) | Refractometer 2 |
5084 | Spherical power (right) | Refractometer 1 |
7382 | Spherical power (right) | Refractometer 2 |
23438 | Sphingomyelins | NMR metabolomics |
23312 | Spine BMC (bone mineral content) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23234 | Spine BMD (bone mineral density) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23311 | Spine bone area | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
26138 | Spirits | Total weight by food group yesterday |
21170 | Spleen iron - IDEAL | Abdominal organ composition |
21171 | Spleen iron - gradient echo | Abdominal organ composition |
21173 | Spleen iron - protocol normalised | Abdominal organ composition |
21083 | Spleen volume | Abdominal organ composition |
26202 | Standard PRS for age at menopause (AAM) | Standard PRS |
26204 | Standard PRS for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) | Standard PRS |
26206 | Standard PRS for alzheimer's disease (AD) | Standard PRS |
26210 | Standard PRS for asthma (AST) | Standard PRS |
26212 | Standard PRS for atrial fibrillation (AF) | Standard PRS |
26214 | Standard PRS for bipolar disorder (BD) | Standard PRS |
26216 | Standard PRS for body mass index (BMI) | Standard PRS |
26218 | Standard PRS for bowel cancer (CRC) | Standard PRS |
26220 | Standard PRS for breast cancer (BC) | Standard PRS |
26223 | Standard PRS for cardiovascular disease (CVD) | Standard PRS |
26225 | Standard PRS for coeliac disease (CED) | Standard PRS |
26227 | Standard PRS for coronary artery disease (CAD) | Standard PRS |
26229 | Standard PRS for crohn's disease (CD) | Standard PRS |
26232 | Standard PRS for epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) | Standard PRS |
26234 | Standard PRS for estimated bone mineral density t-score (EBMDT) | Standard PRS |
26238 | Standard PRS for glycated haemoglobin (HBA1C_DF) | Standard PRS |
26240 | Standard PRS for height (HEIGHT) | Standard PRS |
26242 | Standard PRS for high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) | Standard PRS |
26244 | Standard PRS for hypertension (HT) | Standard PRS |
26246 | Standard PRS for intraocular pressure (IOP) | Standard PRS |
26248 | Standard PRS for ischaemic stroke (ISS) | Standard PRS |
26250 | Standard PRS for low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL_SF) | Standard PRS |
26252 | Standard PRS for melanoma (MEL) | Standard PRS |
26254 | Standard PRS for multiple sclerosis (MS) | Standard PRS |
26258 | Standard PRS for osteoporosis (OP) | Standard PRS |
26260 | Standard PRS for parkinson's disease (PD) | Standard PRS |
26265 | Standard PRS for primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) | Standard PRS |
26267 | Standard PRS for prostate cancer (PC) | Standard PRS |
26269 | Standard PRS for psoriasis (PSO) | Standard PRS |
21150 | Standard PRS for resting heart rate (RHR) | Standard PRS |
26273 | Standard PRS for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) | Standard PRS |
26275 | Standard PRS for schizophrenia (SCZ) | Standard PRS |
26278 | Standard PRS for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) | Standard PRS |
21151 | Standard PRS for total cholesterol (TCH) | Standard PRS |
21152 | Standard PRS for total triglyceride (TTG) | Standard PRS |
26283 | Standard PRS for type 1 diabetes (T1D) | Standard PRS |
26285 | Standard PRS for type 2 diabetes (T2D) | Standard PRS |
26287 | Standard PRS for ulcerative colitis (UC) | Standard PRS |
26289 | Standard PRS for venous thromboembolic disease (VTE) | Standard PRS |
90013 | Standard deviation of acceleration | Acceleration averages |
31087 | Standard deviation of area of pericardial fat | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
50 | Standing height | Body size measures |
26031 | Starch | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100023 | Starch | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
26094 | Stewed fruit | Total weight by food group yesterday |
21086 | Subcutaneous fat volume | Abdominal organ composition |
26059 | Sucrose | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26127 | Sugar-sweetened beverages and other sugary drinks | Total weight by food group yesterday |
24015 | Sum of road length of major roads within 100m | Residential air pollution |
22040 | Summed MET minutes per week for all activity | MET Scores |
90025 | Sunday average acceleration | Acceleration averages |
26139 | Sushi | Total weight by food group yesterday |
31077 | Systole mean area of ascending aorta | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31078 | Systole mean area of proximal descending aorta | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31081 | Systole standard deviation of ascending aorta area | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31082 | Systole standard deviation of proximal descending aorta area | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
22194 | T/S ratio for regression dilution bias | Telomeres |
26141 | Tea | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26142 | Tea, decaffeinated | Total weight by food group yesterday |
90192 | Temperature average | Raw accelerometer statistics |
90195 | Temperature maximum | Raw accelerometer statistics |
90194 | Temperature minimum | Raw accelerometer statistics |
90193 | Temperature standard deviation | Raw accelerometer statistics |
30850 | Testosterone | Blood biochemistry |
26034 | Thiamin | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
31092 | Thoracic ascending aorta (horizontal diameter) | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31093 | Thoracic ascending aorta (vertical diameter) | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31094 | Thoracic descending aorta (horizontal diameter) | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
31095 | Thoracic descending aorta (vertical diameter) | Cardiac and aortic function #2 |
90022 | Thursday average acceleration | Acceleration averages |
26143 | Tomatoes | Total weight by food group yesterday |
23235 | Total BMC (bone mineral content) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23236 | Total BMD (bone mineral density) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23237 | Total BMD (bone mineral density) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23238 | Total BMD (bone mineral density) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23239 | Total BMD (bone mineral density) T-score | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23400 | Total Cholesterol | NMR metabolomics |
23401 | Total Cholesterol Minus HDL-C | NMR metabolomics |
23436 | Total Cholines | NMR metabolomics |
23464 | Total Concentration of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (Leucine + Isoleucine + Valine) | NMR metabolomics |
23427 | Total Concentration of Lipoprotein Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23415 | Total Esterified Cholesterol | NMR metabolomics |
23442 | Total Fatty Acids | NMR metabolomics |
23419 | Total Free Cholesterol | NMR metabolomics |
23482 | Total Lipids in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23426 | Total Lipids in HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23524 | Total Lipids in IDL | NMR metabolomics |
23425 | Total Lipids in LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23559 | Total Lipids in Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23531 | Total Lipids in Large LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23496 | Total Lipids in Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23423 | Total Lipids in Lipoprotein Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23566 | Total Lipids in Medium HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23538 | Total Lipids in Medium LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23503 | Total Lipids in Medium VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23573 | Total Lipids in Small HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23545 | Total Lipids in Small LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23510 | Total Lipids in Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23424 | Total Lipids in VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23552 | Total Lipids in Very Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23489 | Total Lipids in Very Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23517 | Total Lipids in Very Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23411 | Total Phospholipids in Lipoprotein Particles | NMR metabolomics |
23407 | Total Triglycerides | NMR metabolomics |
22432 | Total abdominal adipose tissue index | Abdominal composition |
22415 | Total adipose tissue volume | Abdominal composition |
30840 | Total bilirubin | Blood biochemistry |
26027 | Total carotene | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
22416 | Total lean tissue volume | Abdominal composition |
27820 | Total macular volume (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27821 | Total macular volume (right) | Derived OCT measures |
23283 | Total mass | Body composition by DXA |
26060 | Total nitrogen | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
12685 | Total peripheral resistance during PWA - PVR | Pulse wave analysis |
30860 | Total protein | Blood biochemistry |
26011 | Total sugars | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100008 | Total sugars | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
22409 | Total thigh fat-free muscle volume | Abdominal composition |
23281 | Total tissue fat percentage | Body composition by DXA |
22410 | Total trunk fat volume | Abdominal composition |
24486 | Total volume of deep white matter hyperintensities | T2-weighted brain MRI |
24485 | Total volume of peri-ventricular white matter hyperintensities | T2-weighted brain MRI |
25781 | Total volume of white matter hyperintensities (from T1 and T2_FLAIR images) | T2-weighted brain MRI |
26000 | Total weight of all foods and beverages | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26001 | Total weight of beverages only | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
22189 | Townsend deprivation index at recruitment | Baseline characteristics |
26155 | Trans fatty acids | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
7522 | Trial lens cylindrical power (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7500 | Trial lens cylindrical power (right) | Refractometer 2 |
7521 | Trial lens spherical power (left) | Refractometer 2 |
7499 | Trial lens spherical power (right) | Refractometer 2 |
30870 | Triglycerides | Blood biochemistry |
23487 | Triglycerides in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23410 | Triglycerides in HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23529 | Triglycerides in IDL | NMR metabolomics |
23409 | Triglycerides in LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23564 | Triglycerides in Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23536 | Triglycerides in Large LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23501 | Triglycerides in Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23571 | Triglycerides in Medium HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23543 | Triglycerides in Medium LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23508 | Triglycerides in Medium VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23578 | Triglycerides in Small HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23550 | Triglycerides in Small LDL | NMR metabolomics |
23515 | Triglycerides in Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23408 | Triglycerides in VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23557 | Triglycerides in Very Large HDL | NMR metabolomics |
23494 | Triglycerides in Very Large VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23522 | Triglycerides in Very Small VLDL | NMR metabolomics |
23435 | Triglycerides to Phosphoglycerides ratio | NMR metabolomics |
23583 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23613 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in IDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23638 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Large HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23618 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Large LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23593 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23643 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Medium HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23623 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Medium LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23598 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Medium VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23648 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Small HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23628 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Small LDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23603 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Small VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23633 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Very Large HDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23588 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Very Large VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23608 | Triglycerides to Total Lipids in Very Small VLDL percentage | NMR metabolomics |
23240 | Trunk BMC (bone mineral content) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23241 | Trunk BMD (bone mineral density) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23242 | Trunk BMD (bone mineral density) (left) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23243 | Trunk BMD (bone mineral density) (right) | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23304 | Trunk bone area | Bone size, mineral and density by DXA |
23128 | Trunk fat mass | Body composition by impedance |
23127 | Trunk fat percentage | Body composition by impedance |
23129 | Trunk fat-free mass | Body composition by impedance |
23130 | Trunk predicted mass | Body composition by impedance |
23286 | Trunk tissue fat percentage | Body composition by DXA |
23287 | Trunk total mass | Body composition by DXA |
90020 | Tuesday average acceleration | Acceleration averages |
23469 | Tyrosine | NMR metabolomics |
30587 | U7 gene Ct value in TaqMan assay (interim dataset) | TaqMan-based HHV-6 |
22190 | Unadjusted T/S ratio | Telomeres |
6365 | Uncertainty in vocabulary level | Picture vocabulary |
26107 | Unsalted nuts and seeds | Total weight by food group yesterday |
30880 | Urate | Blood biochemistry |
30670 | Urea | Blood biochemistry |
30038 | V02max per kg bodyweight estimated from the exercise test | VO2max during exercise |
24652 | VE Couplets - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | # |
24741 | VE Couplets - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24656 | VE Triplets - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | # |
24743 | VE Triplets - Percentage | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24723 | VF - First Occurrence | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
23403 | VLDL Cholesterol | NMR metabolomics |
24715 | VT - First Occurrence | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
24712 | VT - Maximum Heart Rate | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | # |
23467 | Valine | NMR metabolomics |
26144 | Vegetable dips | Total weight by food group yesterday |
26009 | Vegetable fat | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26006 | Vegetable protein | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26147 | Vegetable side dishes | Total weight by food group yesterday |
5274 | Vertex distance (left) | Refractometer 1 |
5215 | Vertex distance (right) | Refractometer 1 |
27857 | Vertical cup to disc ratio (VCDR) (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27858 | Vertical cup to disc ratio (VCDR) (right) | Derived OCT measures |
27855 | Vertical cup to disc ratio (VCDR) regressed and transformed (left) | Derived OCT measures |
27856 | Vertical cup to disc ratio (VCDR) regressed and transformed (right) | Derived OCT measures |
22407 | Visceral adipose tissue volume (VAT) | Abdominal composition |
21085 | Visceral fat volume | Abdominal organ composition |
26061 | Vitamin A retinol equivalents | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
26021 | Vitamin B12 | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100013 | Vitamin B12 | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
26020 | Vitamin B6 | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100012 | Vitamin B6 | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
26023 | Vitamin C | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100015 | Vitamin C | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
26029 | Vitamin D | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
30890 | Vitamin D | Blood biochemistry |
100021 | Vitamin D | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
26028 | Vitamin E | Estimated food nutrients yesterday |
100025 | Vitamin E | Estimated nutrients yesterday (obsolete) |
6364 | Vocabulary level | Picture vocabulary |
26523 | Volume of 3rd-Ventricle (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26524 | Volume of 4th-Ventricle (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26525 | Volume of 5th-Ventricle (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26684 | Volume of AV (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26710 | Volume of AV (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26602 | Volume of Accessory-Basal-nucleus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26612 | Volume of Accessory-Basal-nucleus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26564 | Volume of Accumbens-area (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26595 | Volume of Accumbens-area (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26563 | Volume of Amygdala (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26594 | Volume of Amygdala (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26603 | Volume of Anterior-amygdaloid-area-AAA (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26613 | Volume of Anterior-amygdaloid-area-AAA (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
27087 | Volume of BA1 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27129 | Volume of BA1 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27088 | Volume of BA2 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27130 | Volume of BA2 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27089 | Volume of BA3a (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27131 | Volume of BA3a (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27090 | Volume of BA3b (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27132 | Volume of BA3b (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27094 | Volume of BA44 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27136 | Volume of BA44 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27095 | Volume of BA45 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27137 | Volume of BA45 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27091 | Volume of BA4a (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27133 | Volume of BA4a (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27092 | Volume of BA4p (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27134 | Volume of BA4p (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27093 | Volume of BA6 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27135 | Volume of BA6 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
26601 | Volume of Basal-nucleus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26611 | Volume of Basal-nucleus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26526 | Volume of Brain-Stem (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26514 | Volume of BrainSeg (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26515 | Volume of BrainSegNotVent (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26516 | Volume of BrainSegNotVentSurf (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26622 | Volume of CA1-body (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26644 | Volume of CA1-body (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26626 | Volume of CA1-head (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26648 | Volume of CA1-head (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26632 | Volume of CA3-body (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26654 | Volume of CA3-body (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26637 | Volume of CA3-head (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26659 | Volume of CA3-head (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26635 | Volume of CA4-body (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26657 | Volume of CA4-body (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26634 | Volume of CA4-head (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26656 | Volume of CA4-head (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26535 | Volume of CC-Anterior (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26533 | Volume of CC-Central (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26534 | Volume of CC-Mid-Anterior (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26532 | Volume of CC-Mid-Posterior (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26531 | Volume of CC-Posterior (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26681 | Volume of CL (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26706 | Volume of CL (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26670 | Volume of CM (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26694 | Volume of CM (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26527 | Volume of CSF (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26559 | Volume of Caudate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26590 | Volume of Caudate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26677 | Volume of CeM (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26703 | Volume of CeM (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26604 | Volume of Central-nucleus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26614 | Volume of Central-nucleus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26557 | Volume of Cerebellum-Cortex (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26588 | Volume of Cerebellum-Cortex (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26556 | Volume of Cerebellum-White-Matter (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26587 | Volume of Cerebellum-White-Matter (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26553 | Volume of CerebralWhiteMatter (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26584 | Volume of CerebralWhiteMatter (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26552 | Volume of Cortex (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26583 | Volume of Cortex (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26606 | Volume of Cortical-nucleus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26616 | Volume of Cortical-nucleus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26607 | Volume of Corticoamygdaloid-transitio (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26617 | Volume of Corticoamygdaloid-transitio (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26521 | Volume of EstimatedTotalIntraCranial (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
27482 | Volume of G+S-cingul-Ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27704 | Volume of G+S-cingul-Ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27483 | Volume of G+S-cingul-Mid-Ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27705 | Volume of G+S-cingul-Mid-Ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27484 | Volume of G+S-cingul-Mid-Post (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27706 | Volume of G+S-cingul-Mid-Post (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27477 | Volume of G+S-frontomargin (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27699 | Volume of G+S-frontomargin (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27478 | Volume of G+S-occipital-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27700 | Volume of G+S-occipital-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27479 | Volume of G+S-paracentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27701 | Volume of G+S-paracentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27480 | Volume of G+S-subcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27702 | Volume of G+S-subcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27481 | Volume of G+S-transv-frontopol (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27703 | Volume of G+S-transv-frontopol (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27493 | Volume of G-Ins-lg+S-cent-ins (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27715 | Volume of G-Ins-lg+S-cent-ins (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27485 | Volume of G-cingul-Post-dorsal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27707 | Volume of G-cingul-Post-dorsal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27486 | Volume of G-cingul-Post-ventral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27708 | Volume of G-cingul-Post-ventral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27487 | Volume of G-cuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27709 | Volume of G-cuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27488 | Volume of G-front-inf-Opercular (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27710 | Volume of G-front-inf-Opercular (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27489 | Volume of G-front-inf-Orbital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27711 | Volume of G-front-inf-Orbital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27490 | Volume of G-front-inf-Triangul (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27712 | Volume of G-front-inf-Triangul (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27491 | Volume of G-front-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27713 | Volume of G-front-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27492 | Volume of G-front-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27714 | Volume of G-front-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27494 | Volume of G-insular-short (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27716 | Volume of G-insular-short (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27497 | Volume of G-oc-temp-lat-fusifor (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27719 | Volume of G-oc-temp-lat-fusifor (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27498 | Volume of G-oc-temp-med-Lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27720 | Volume of G-oc-temp-med-Lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27499 | Volume of G-oc-temp-med-Parahip (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27721 | Volume of G-oc-temp-med-Parahip (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27495 | Volume of G-occipital-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27717 | Volume of G-occipital-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27496 | Volume of G-occipital-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27718 | Volume of G-occipital-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27500 | Volume of G-orbital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27722 | Volume of G-orbital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27501 | Volume of G-pariet-inf-Angular (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27723 | Volume of G-pariet-inf-Angular (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27502 | Volume of G-pariet-inf-Supramar (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27724 | Volume of G-pariet-inf-Supramar (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27503 | Volume of G-parietal-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27725 | Volume of G-parietal-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27504 | Volume of G-postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27726 | Volume of G-postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27505 | Volume of G-precentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27727 | Volume of G-precentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27506 | Volume of G-precuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27728 | Volume of G-precuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27507 | Volume of G-rectus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27729 | Volume of G-rectus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27508 | Volume of G-subcallosal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27730 | Volume of G-subcallosal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27509 | Volume of G-temp-sup-G-T-transv (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27731 | Volume of G-temp-sup-G-T-transv (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27510 | Volume of G-temp-sup-Lateral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27732 | Volume of G-temp-sup-Lateral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27511 | Volume of G-temp-sup-Plan-polar (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27733 | Volume of G-temp-sup-Plan-polar (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27512 | Volume of G-temp-sup-Plan-tempo (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27734 | Volume of G-temp-sup-Plan-tempo (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27513 | Volume of G-temporal-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27735 | Volume of G-temporal-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27514 | Volume of G-temporal-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27736 | Volume of G-temporal-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
26633 | Volume of GC-ML-DG-body (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26655 | Volume of GC-ML-DG-body (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26631 | Volume of GC-ML-DG-head (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26653 | Volume of GC-ML-DG-head (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26638 | Volume of HATA (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26660 | Volume of HATA (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26620 | Volume of Hippocampal-tail (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26642 | Volume of Hippocampal-tail (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26562 | Volume of Hippocampus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26593 | Volume of Hippocampus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26555 | Volume of Inf-Lat-Vent (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26586 | Volume of Inf-Lat-Vent (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26668 | Volume of L-Sg (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26692 | Volume of L-Sg (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26712 | Volume of LD (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26713 | Volume of LD (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26665 | Volume of LGN (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26688 | Volume of LGN (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26687 | Volume of LP (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26711 | Volume of LP (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
27515 | Volume of Lat-Fis-ant-Horizont (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27737 | Volume of Lat-Fis-ant-Horizont (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27516 | Volume of Lat-Fis-ant-Vertical (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27738 | Volume of Lat-Fis-ant-Vertical (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27517 | Volume of Lat-Fis-post (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27739 | Volume of Lat-Fis-post (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
26554 | Volume of Lateral-Ventricle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26585 | Volume of Lateral-Ventricle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26600 | Volume of Lateral-nucleus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26610 | Volume of Lateral-nucleus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26676 | Volume of MDl (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26700 | Volume of MDl (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26673 | Volume of MDm (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26697 | Volume of MDm (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26664 | Volume of MGN (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26689 | Volume of MGN (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
27098 | Volume of MT (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27140 | Volume of MT (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
26679 | Volume of MV(Re) (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26702 | Volume of MV(Re) (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26605 | Volume of Medial-nucleus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26615 | Volume of Medial-nucleus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26716 | Volume of Medulla (whole brain) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26719 | Volume of Midbrain (whole brain) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26530 | Volume of Optic-Chiasm (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26561 | Volume of Pallidum (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26592 | Volume of Pallidum (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26608 | Volume of Paralaminar-nucleus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26618 | Volume of Paralaminar-nucleus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26685 | Volume of Pc (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26708 | Volume of Pc (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26674 | Volume of Pf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26698 | Volume of Pf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
27518 | Volume of Pole-occipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27740 | Volume of Pole-occipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27519 | Volume of Pole-temporal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27741 | Volume of Pole-temporal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
26717 | Volume of Pons (whole brain) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26683 | Volume of Pt (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26709 | Volume of Pt (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26672 | Volume of PuA (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26696 | Volume of PuA (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26666 | Volume of PuI (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26690 | Volume of PuI (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26682 | Volume of PuL (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26705 | Volume of PuL (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26667 | Volume of PuM (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26691 | Volume of PuM (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26560 | Volume of Putamen (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26591 | Volume of Putamen (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
27520 | Volume of S-calcarine (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27742 | Volume of S-calcarine (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27521 | Volume of S-central (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27743 | Volume of S-central (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27522 | Volume of S-cingul-Marginalis (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27744 | Volume of S-cingul-Marginalis (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27523 | Volume of S-circular-insula-ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27745 | Volume of S-circular-insula-ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27524 | Volume of S-circular-insula-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27746 | Volume of S-circular-insula-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27525 | Volume of S-circular-insula-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27747 | Volume of S-circular-insula-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27526 | Volume of S-collat-transv-ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27748 | Volume of S-collat-transv-ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27527 | Volume of S-collat-transv-post (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27749 | Volume of S-collat-transv-post (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27528 | Volume of S-front-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27750 | Volume of S-front-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27529 | Volume of S-front-middle (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27751 | Volume of S-front-middle (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27530 | Volume of S-front-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27752 | Volume of S-front-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27531 | Volume of S-interm-prim-Jensen (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27753 | Volume of S-interm-prim-Jensen (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27532 | Volume of S-intrapariet+P-trans (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27754 | Volume of S-intrapariet+P-trans (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27533 | Volume of S-oc-middle+Lunatus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27755 | Volume of S-oc-middle+Lunatus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27534 | Volume of S-oc-sup+transversal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27756 | Volume of S-oc-sup+transversal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27536 | Volume of S-oc-temp-lat (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27758 | Volume of S-oc-temp-lat (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27537 | Volume of S-oc-temp-med+Lingual (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27759 | Volume of S-oc-temp-med+Lingual (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27535 | Volume of S-occipital-ant (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27757 | Volume of S-occipital-ant (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27540 | Volume of S-orbital-H-Shaped (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27762 | Volume of S-orbital-H-Shaped (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27538 | Volume of S-orbital-lateral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27760 | Volume of S-orbital-lateral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27539 | Volume of S-orbital-med-olfact (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27761 | Volume of S-orbital-med-olfact (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27541 | Volume of S-parieto-occipital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27763 | Volume of S-parieto-occipital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27542 | Volume of S-pericallosal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27764 | Volume of S-pericallosal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27543 | Volume of S-postcentral (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27765 | Volume of S-postcentral (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27544 | Volume of S-precentral-inf-part (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27766 | Volume of S-precentral-inf-part (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27545 | Volume of S-precentral-sup-part (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27767 | Volume of S-precentral-sup-part (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27546 | Volume of S-suborbital (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27768 | Volume of S-suborbital (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27547 | Volume of S-subparietal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27769 | Volume of S-subparietal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27548 | Volume of S-temporal-inf (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27770 | Volume of S-temporal-inf (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27549 | Volume of S-temporal-sup (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27771 | Volume of S-temporal-sup (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27550 | Volume of S-temporal-transverse (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
27772 | Volume of S-temporal-transverse (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer a2009s |
26718 | Volume of SCP (whole brain) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26517 | Volume of SubCortGray (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26519 | Volume of SupraTentorial (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26520 | Volume of SupraTentorialNotVent (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26558 | Volume of Thalamus-Proper (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26589 | Volume of Thalamus-Proper (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26518 | Volume of TotalGray (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
27096 | Volume of V1 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27138 | Volume of V1 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27097 | Volume of V2 (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27139 | Volume of V2 (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
26678 | Volume of VA (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26701 | Volume of VA (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26675 | Volume of VAmc (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26699 | Volume of VAmc (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26671 | Volume of VLa (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26695 | Volume of VLa (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26686 | Volume of VLp (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26707 | Volume of VLp (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26680 | Volume of VM (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26704 | Volume of VM (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26669 | Volume of VPL (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26693 | Volume of VPL (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26565 | Volume of VentralDC (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26596 | Volume of VentralDC (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26522 | Volume of VentricleChoroid (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26528 | Volume of WM-hypointensities (whole brain) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26609 | Volume of Whole-amygdala (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26619 | Volume of Whole-amygdala (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26720 | Volume of Whole-brainstem (whole brain) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26639 | Volume of Whole-hippocampal-body (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26661 | Volume of Whole-hippocampal-body (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26640 | Volume of Whole-hippocampal-head (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26662 | Volume of Whole-hippocampal-head (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26641 | Volume of Whole-hippocampus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26663 | Volume of Whole-hippocampus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26714 | Volume of Whole-thalamus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26715 | Volume of Whole-thalamus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
25023 | Volume of accumbens (left) | Subcortical volumes (FIRST) |
25024 | Volume of accumbens (right) | Subcortical volumes (FIRST) |
25021 | Volume of amygdala (left) | Subcortical volumes (FIRST) |
25022 | Volume of amygdala (right) | Subcortical volumes (FIRST) |
26789 | Volume of bankssts (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26890 | Volume of bankssts (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
25025 | Volume of brain stem + 4th ventricle | T1 structural brain MRI |
25010 | Volume of brain, grey+white matter | T1 structural brain MRI |
25009 | Volume of brain, grey+white matter (normalised for head size) | T1 structural brain MRI |
26790 | Volume of caudalanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27205 | Volume of caudalanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26891 | Volume of caudalanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27298 | Volume of caudalanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26791 | Volume of caudalmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27206 | Volume of caudalmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26892 | Volume of caudalmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27299 | Volume of caudalmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
25013 | Volume of caudate (left) | Subcortical volumes (FIRST) |
25014 | Volume of caudate (right) | Subcortical volumes (FIRST) |
26567 | Volume of choroid-plexus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26598 | Volume of choroid-plexus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer ASEG |
26792 | Volume of cuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27207 | Volume of cuneus (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26893 | Volume of cuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27300 | Volume of cuneus (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26793 | Volume of entorhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27100 | Volume of entorhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27208 | Volume of entorhinal (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26894 | Volume of entorhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27142 | Volume of entorhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer BA exvivo |
27301 | Volume of entorhinal (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26636 | Volume of fimbria (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26658 | Volume of fimbria (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer subsegmentation |
26819 | Volume of frontalpole (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26920 | Volume of frontalpole (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
26794 | Volume of fusiform (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27209 | Volume of fusiform (left hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
26895 | Volume of fusiform (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer desikan white |
27302 | Volume of fusiform (right hemisphere) | Freesurfer DKT |
25006 | Volume of grey matter | T1 structural brain MRI |
25005 | Volume of grey matter (normalised for head size) | T1 structural brain MRI |
25888 | Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25889 | Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25822 | Volume of grey matter in Angular Gyrus (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25823 | Volume of grey matter in Angular Gyrus (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25892 | Volume of grey matter in Brain-Stem | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25880 | Volume of grey matter in Caudate (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25881 | Volume of grey matter in Caudate (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25864 | Volume of grey matter in Central Opercular Cortex (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25865 | Volume of grey matter in Central Opercular Cortex (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25838 | Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus, anterior division (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25839 | Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus, anterior division (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25840 | Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus, posterior division (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25841 | Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus, posterior division (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25900 | Volume of grey matter in Crus I Cerebellum (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25902 | Volume of grey matter in Crus I Cerebellum (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25901 | Volume of grey matter in Crus I Cerebellum (vermis) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25903 | Volume of grey matter in Crus II Cerebellum (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25905 | Volume of grey matter in Crus II Cerebellum (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25904 | Volume of grey matter in Crus II Cerebellum (vermis) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25844 | Volume of grey matter in Cuneal Cortex (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25845 | Volume of grey matter in Cuneal Cortex (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25830 | Volume of grey matter in Frontal Medial Cortex (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25831 | Volume of grey matter in Frontal Medial Cortex (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25862 | Volume of grey matter in Frontal Operculum Cortex (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25863 | Volume of grey matter in Frontal Operculum Cortex (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25846 | Volume of grey matter in Frontal Orbital Cortex (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25847 | Volume of grey matter in Frontal Orbital Cortex (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25782 | Volume of grey matter in Frontal Pole (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25783 | Volume of grey matter in Frontal Pole (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25870 | Volume of grey matter in Heschl's Gyrus (includes H1 and H2) (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25871 | Volume of grey matter in Heschl's Gyrus (includes H1 and H2) (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25886 | Volume of grey matter in Hippocampus (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25887 | Volume of grey matter in Hippocampus (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25893 | Volume of grey matter in I-IV Cerebellum (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25894 | Volume of grey matter in I-IV Cerebellum (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25915 | Volume of grey matter in IX Cerebellum (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25917 | Volume of grey matter in IX Cerebellum (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25916 | Volume of grey matter in IX Cerebellum (vermis) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25792 | Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus, pars opercularis (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25793 | Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus, pars opercularis (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25790 | Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus, pars triangularis (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25791 | Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus, pars triangularis (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25808 | Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, anterior division (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25809 | Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, anterior division (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25810 | Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, posterior division (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25811 | Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, posterior division (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25812 | Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, temporooccipital part (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25813 | Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus, temporooccipital part (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25784 | Volume of grey matter in Insular Cortex (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25785 | Volume of grey matter in Insular Cortex (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25828 | Volume of grey matter in Intracalcarine Cortex (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25829 | Volume of grey matter in Intracalcarine Cortex (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25832 | Volume of grey matter in Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex (formerly Supplementary Motor Cortex) (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25833 | Volume of grey matter in Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex (formerly Supplementary Motor Cortex) (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25826 | Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex, inferior division (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25827 | Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex, inferior division (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25824 | Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex, superior division (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25825 | Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex, superior division (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25852 | Volume of grey matter in Lingual Gyrus (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25853 | Volume of grey matter in Lingual Gyrus (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25788 | Volume of grey matter in Middle Frontal Gyrus (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25789 | Volume of grey matter in Middle Frontal Gyrus (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25802 | Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, anterior division (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25803 | Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, anterior division (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25804 | Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, posterior division (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25805 | Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, posterior division (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25806 | Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, temporooccipital part (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25807 | Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus, temporooccipital part (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25860 | Volume of grey matter in Occipital Fusiform Gyrus (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25861 | Volume of grey matter in Occipital Fusiform Gyrus (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25876 | Volume of grey matter in Occipital Pole (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25877 | Volume of grey matter in Occipital Pole (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25884 | Volume of grey matter in Pallidum (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25885 | Volume of grey matter in Pallidum (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25836 | Volume of grey matter in Paracingulate Gyrus (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25837 | Volume of grey matter in Paracingulate Gyrus (right) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25848 | Volume of grey matter in Parahippocampal Gyrus, anterior division (left) | Regional grey matter volumes (FAST) |
25849 | |