64,942 items of data are available, covering 60,414 participants.
Defined-instances run from 2 to 3, labelled using Instancing
Units of measurement are AU.
Maximum | 0.583197 |
Decile 9 | 0.203099 |
Decile 8 | 0.195439 |
Decile 7 | 0.190101 |
Decile 6 | 0.185544 |
Median | 0.18128 |
Decile 4 | 0.176928 |
Decile 3 | 0.172254 |
Decile 2 | 0.166778 |
Decile 1 | 0.159209 |
Minimum | 0.09563 |
- Mean = 0.181355
- = 0.0181496
- 1 item below graph minimum of 0.115319
- 42 items above graph maximum of 0.246988
2 Instances
Instance 2 : Imaging visit (2014+)
60,182 participants, 60,182 items
Maximum | 0.583197 |
Decile 9 | 0.203062 |
Decile 8 | 0.195414 |
Decile 7 | 0.190071 |
Decile 6 | 0.185546 |
Median | 0.18127 |
Decile 4 | 0.176926 |
Decile 3 | 0.172286 |
Decile 2 | 0.166813 |
Decile 1 | 0.159242 |
Minimum | 0.09563 |
- Mean = 0.181348
- = 0.0180696
- 1 item below graph minimum of 0.115422
- 38 items above graph maximum of 0.246882
Instance 3 : First repeat imaging visit (2019+)
4,760 participants, 4,760 items
Maximum | 0.530524 |
Decile 9 | 0.203847 |
Decile 8 | 0.1958 |
Decile 7 | 0.190387 |
Decile 6 | 0.185502 |
Median | 0.181453 |
Decile 4 | 0.17693 |
Decile 3 | 0.171881 |
Decile 2 | 0.166471 |
Decile 1 | 0.158696 |
Minimum | 0.124868 |
- Mean = 0.181446
- = 0.0191325
- 3 items above graph maximum of 0.248998
Mean OD (orientation dispersion index) in anterior corona radiata (left) on FA (fractional anisotropy) skeleton (from dMRI data)
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