Field ID | Description | Category |
22299 | Acceleration | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | #‡ |
90001 | Acceleration data - cwa format | Physical activity measurement | ‡ |
90004 | Acceleration intensity time-series | Physical activity measurement | ‡ |
20210 | Aortic distensibilty images - DICOM | Heart MRI | ‡ |
20266 | Arterial spin labelling brain images - DICOM | Directly measured Brain MRI | ‡ |
26300 | Arterial spin labelling brain images - NIFTI | Arterial spin labelling brain MRI | ‡ |
20278 | BEAGLE Phased VCFs | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
23181 | BGI WGS CRAM files | BGI WGS pilot | ‡ |
23182 | BGI WGS CRAM indices | BGI WGS pilot | ‡ |
20213 | Blood flow images - DICOM | Heart MRI | ‡ |
23183 | Broad WGS CRAM files | Broad WGS pilot | ‡ |
23184 | Broad WGS CRAM indices | Broad WGS pilot | ‡ |
22002 | CEL files | Genotyping process and sample QC | ‡ |
30005 | Carotid Artery Ultrasound (MAT format) | Carotid ultrasound | ‡ |
20222 | Carotid artery ultrasound image (left) | Carotid ultrasound | ‡ |
20223 | Carotid artery ultrasound image (right) | Carotid ultrasound | ‡ |
22301 | Chromosome 1 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22201 | Chromosome 1 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22310 | Chromosome 10 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22210 | Chromosome 10 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22311 | Chromosome 11 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22211 | Chromosome 11 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22312 | Chromosome 12 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22212 | Chromosome 12 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22313 | Chromosome 13 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22213 | Chromosome 13 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22314 | Chromosome 14 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22214 | Chromosome 14 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22315 | Chromosome 15 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22215 | Chromosome 15 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22316 | Chromosome 16 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22216 | Chromosome 16 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22317 | Chromosome 17 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22217 | Chromosome 17 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22318 | Chromosome 18 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22218 | Chromosome 18 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22319 | Chromosome 19 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22219 | Chromosome 19 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22302 | Chromosome 2 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22202 | Chromosome 2 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22320 | Chromosome 20 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22220 | Chromosome 20 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22321 | Chromosome 21 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22221 | Chromosome 21 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22322 | Chromosome 22 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22222 | Chromosome 22 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22303 | Chromosome 3 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22203 | Chromosome 3 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22304 | Chromosome 4 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22204 | Chromosome 4 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22305 | Chromosome 5 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22205 | Chromosome 5 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22306 | Chromosome 6 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22206 | Chromosome 6 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22307 | Chromosome 7 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22207 | Chromosome 7 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22308 | Chromosome 8 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22208 | Chromosome 8 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22309 | Chromosome 9 genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22209 | Chromosome 9 genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22323 | Chromosome X genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22223 | Chromosome X genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
22324 | Chromosome Y genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22224 | Chromosome Y genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
20211 | Cine tagging images - DICOM | Heart MRI | ‡ |
31022 | Connectome Glasser and Tian Subcortex S1 3T | Connectomes | ‡ |
31023 | Connectome Glasser and Tian Subcortex S4 3T | Connectomes | ‡ |
31026 | Connectome Schaefer7n1000p and Tian Subcortex S4 3T | Connectomes | ‡ |
31024 | Connectome Schaefer7n200p and Tian Subcortex S1 3T | Connectomes | ‡ |
31025 | Connectome Schaefer7n500p and Tian Subcortex S4 3T | Connectomes | ‡ |
31020 | Connectome aparc a2009s and Tian Subcortex S1 3T | Connectomes | ‡ |
31021 | Connectome aparc and Tian Subcortex S1 3T | Connectomes | ‡ |
24309 | DRAGEN population level WGS variants, BGEN format [500k release] | DRAGEN WGS | #‡ |
24308 | DRAGEN population level WGS variants, PLINK format [500k release] | DRAGEN WGS | #‡ |
24310 | DRAGEN population level WGS variants, pVCF format [500k release] | DRAGEN WGS | ‡ |
20158 | DXA images | DXA assessment | ‡ |
20201 | Dixon technique for internal fat - DICOM | Abdominal MRI | ‡ |
20205 | ECG datasets | ECG at rest, 12-lead | ‡ |
22300 | ECG trace | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | #‡ |
2030005 | EMBARGOED LINKED : Carotid Artery Ultrasound (MAT format) | Embargoed | #‡ |
2032136 | EMBARGOED LINKED : Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI | Embargoed | #‡ |
2032157 | EMBARGOED LINKED : rfMRI surfaces component amplitudes, dimension 25 | Embargoed | #‡ |
2032158 | EMBARGOED LINKED : rfMRI surfaces component amplitudes, dimension 50 | Embargoed | #‡ |
2032153 | EMBARGOED LINKED : rfMRI surfaces full correlation matrix, dimension 25 | Embargoed | #‡ |
2032154 | EMBARGOED LINKED : rfMRI surfaces full correlation matrix, dimension 50 | Embargoed | #‡ |
2032155 | EMBARGOED LINKED : rfMRI surfaces partial correlation matrix, dimension 25 | Embargoed | #‡ |
2032156 | EMBARGOED LINKED : rfMRI surfaces partial correlation matrix, dimension 50 | Embargoed | #‡ |
1030005 | EMBARGOED UNLINKED : Carotid Artery Ultrasound (MAT format) | Embargoed | #‡ |
1032136 | EMBARGOED UNLINKED : Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI | Embargoed | #‡ |
1032157 | EMBARGOED UNLINKED : rfMRI surfaces component amplitudes, dimension 25 | Embargoed | #‡ |
1032158 | EMBARGOED UNLINKED : rfMRI surfaces component amplitudes, dimension 50 | Embargoed | #‡ |
1032153 | EMBARGOED UNLINKED : rfMRI surfaces full correlation matrix, dimension 25 | Embargoed | #‡ |
1032154 | EMBARGOED UNLINKED : rfMRI surfaces full correlation matrix, dimension 50 | Embargoed | #‡ |
1032155 | EMBARGOED UNLINKED : rfMRI surfaces partial correlation matrix, dimension 25 | Embargoed | #‡ |
1032156 | EMBARGOED UNLINKED : rfMRI surfaces partial correlation matrix, dimension 50 | Embargoed | #‡ |
24665 | Episodic data for specific arrhythmia (result file xml) | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | #‡ |
25747 | Eprime advisor file | Directly measured Brain MRI | ‡ |
25749 | Eprime ed2 file | Directly measured Brain MRI | ‡ |
25748 | Eprime txt file | Directly measured Brain MRI | ‡ |
23163 | Exome FE CRAM files - initial 50k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23164 | Exome FE CRAM indices - initial 50k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23161 | Exome FE variant call files (VCFs) - initial 50k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23162 | Exome FE variant calls indices - initial 50k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23143 | Exome OQFE CRAM files | Exome sequences | ‡ |
23153 | Exome OQFE CRAM files - interim 200k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23144 | Exome OQFE CRAM indices | Exome sequences | ‡ |
23154 | Exome OQFE CRAM indices - interim 200k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23142 | Exome OQFE variant call file (VCF) indices | Exome sequences | ‡ |
23152 | Exome OQFE variant call file (VCF) indices - interim 200k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23141 | Exome OQFE variant call files (VCFs) | Exome sequences | ‡ |
23151 | Exome OQFE variant call files (VCFs) - interim 200k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23178 | Exome SPB CRAM files - initial 50k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23179 | Exome SPB CRAM indices - initial 50k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23176 | Exome SPB variant call files (VCFs) - initial 50k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23177 | Exome SPB variant calls indices - initial 50k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
24067 | Exome variant call file (DRAGEN) (VCF) indices | Alternative exome processing | #‡ |
24069 | Exome variant call file (gnomAD) (VCF) indices | Alternative exome processing | ‡ |
24066 | Exome variant call files (DRAGEN) (VCFs) | Alternative exome processing | #‡ |
24068 | Exome variant call files (gnomAD) (VCFs) | Alternative exome processing | ‡ |
20214 | Experimental shMOLLI sequence images - DICOM | Heart MRI | ‡ |
21011 | FDA data file (left) | Retinal optical coherence tomography | ‡ |
21013 | FDA data file (right) | Retinal optical coherence tomography | ‡ |
21012 | FDS data file (left) | Retinal optical coherence tomography | ‡ |
21014 | FDS data file (right) | Retinal optical coherence tomography | ‡ |
6025 | Fitness test results, including ECG data | ECG during exercise | ‡ |
20225 | Functional brain images - resting - DICOM | Directly measured Brain MRI | ‡ |
20227 | Functional brain images - resting - NIFTI | Resting functional brain MRI | ‡ |
20217 | Functional brain images - task - DICOM | Directly measured Brain MRI | ‡ |
20249 | Functional brain images - task - NIFTI | Task functional brain MRI | ‡ |
21015 | Fundus retinal eye image (left) | Retinal optical coherence tomography | ‡ |
21016 | Fundus retinal eye image (right) | Retinal optical coherence tomography | ‡ |
23199 | Genotype Concordance - Contingency Metrics [200k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
23378 | Genotype Concordance - Contingency Metrics [500k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
23319 | Genotype Concordance - Detail Metrics [200k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
23379 | Genotype Concordance - Detail Metrics [500k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
32069 | GraphTyper population level WGS variants, BGEN format [500k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | #‡ |
24305 | GraphTyper population level WGS variants, PLINK format [200k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
24304 | GraphTyper population level WGS variants, pVCF format [200k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
23374 | GraphTyper population level WGS variants, pVCF format [500k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
24306 | GraphTyper population level genome variants, BGEN format [200k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
24664 | Hourly summary and QT (result file xml) | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | #‡ |
24663 | Human-readable analysis report (result file pdf) | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | #‡ |
22298 | Impedance | Cardiac monitoring phase 1 | #‡ |
20243 | Kidney Imaging - T1 ShMOLLI - DICOM | Kidney MRI | ‡ |
20265 | Kidney Imaging - T2 haste - DICOM | Kidney MRI | ‡ |
20264 | Kidney Imaging - gradient echo - DICOM | Kidney MRI | ‡ |
20267 | Kidney imaging - T2 Vibe - DICOM | Kidney MRI | ‡ |
20212 | Left ventricular outflow tract images - DICOM | Heart MRI | ‡ |
20204 | Liver Imaging - T1 ShMoLLI - DICOM | Liver MRI | ‡ |
20254 | Liver imaging - IDEAL protocol - DICOM | Liver MRI | ‡ |
20203 | Liver imaging - gradient echo - DICOM | Liver MRI | ‡ |
20208 | Long axis heart images - DICOM | Heart MRI | ‡ |
24311 | ML-corrected DRAGEN population level WGS variants, pVCF format [500k release] | DRAGEN WGS | #‡ |
31000 | MNI Native Transform | Native atlases | ‡ |
23350 | Manta-called scored structural variant and indel candidates [Vanguard 50k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
23351 | Manta-called unscored structural variant and indel candidates [Vanguard 50k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
20206 | Measurements of pancreas volume - DICOM | Pancreas MRI | ‡ |
23365 | Microsatellites - 150k release | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
22325 | Mitochondrial genotype intensities | Genotyping intensities | *‡ |
22225 | Mitochondrial genotype probabilities | Genotype confidences | *‡ |
20218 | Multiband diffusion brain images - DICOM | Directly measured Brain MRI | ‡ |
20250 | Multiband diffusion brain images - NIFTI | Diffusion brain MRI | ‡ |
31011 | Native Glasser SF | Structural and functional | ‡ |
31003 | Native Glasser dMRI | Diffusion | ‡ |
31008 | Native Schaefer7n1000p dMRI | Diffusion | ‡ |
31012 | Native Schaefer7n100p to 1000p SF | Structural and functional | ‡ |
31004 | Native Schaefer7n200p dMRI | Diffusion | ‡ |
31005 | Native Schaefer7n500p dMRI | Diffusion | ‡ |
31006 | Native Tian Subcortex S1 3T dMRI | Diffusion | ‡ |
31013 | Native Tian Subcortex S1 to S4 3T | Structural and functional | ‡ |
31007 | Native Tian Subcortex S4 3T dMRI | Diffusion | ‡ |
31010 | Native aparc SF | Structural and functional | ‡ |
31009 | Native aparc a2009s SF | Structural and functional | ‡ |
31001 | Native aparc a2009s dMRI | Diffusion | ‡ |
31002 | Native aparc dMRI | Diffusion | ‡ |
21017 | OCT image slices (left) | Retinal optical coherence tomography | ‡ |
21018 | OCT image slices (right) | Retinal optical coherence tomography | ‡ |
20259 | Pancreas Images - ShMoLLI - DICOM | Pancreas MRI | ‡ |
20260 | Pancreas Images - gradient echo - DICOM | Pancreas MRI | ‡ |
20202 | Pancreatic fat - DICOM | Pancreas MRI | ‡ |
20224 | Phoenix - DICOM | Directly measured Brain MRI | ‡ |
23352 | Population level WGS variants, pVCF format - interim 150k release | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
23159 | Population level exome OQFE variants, BGEN format - Final exome release | Exome sequences | ‡ |
23147 | Population level exome OQFE variants, BGEN format - interim 300k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23150 | Population level exome OQFE variants, BGEN format - interim 450k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23158 | Population level exome OQFE variants, PLINK format - Final exome release | Exome sequences | ‡ |
23155 | Population level exome OQFE variants, PLINK format - interim 200k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23145 | Population level exome OQFE variants, PLINK format - interim 300k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23149 | Population level exome OQFE variants, PLINK format - interim 450k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23157 | Population level exome OQFE variants, pVCF format - Final exome release | Exome sequences | ‡ |
23156 | Population level exome OQFE variants, pVCF format - interim 200k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23146 | Population level exome OQFE variants, pVCF format - interim 300k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23148 | Population level exome OQFE variants, pVCF format - interim 450k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
23160 | Population-level FE variants, PLINK format - initial 50k release | Previous exome releases | ‡ |
26301 | Quantitative susceptibility mapping images - NIFTI | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI | ‡ |
24662 | Raw ECG data from monitor (result file edf) | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | #‡ |
20241 | Raw carotid device data | Carotid ultrasound | ‡ |
20279 | SHAPEIT Phased VCFs | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
20215 | Scout images for brain scans - DICOM | Directly measured Brain MRI | #‡ |
20207 | Scout images for heart MRI - DICOM | Heart MRI | ‡ |
20209 | Short axis heart images - DICOM | Heart MRI | ‡ |
24661 | Summary analysis data (result file csv) | Cardiac monitoring phase 2 | #‡ |
32136 | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI - CIFTI | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI | ‡ |
20219 | Susceptibility weighted brain images - DICOM | Directly measured Brain MRI | ‡ |
20251 | Susceptibility weighted brain images - NIFTI | Susceptibility weighted brain MRI | ‡ |
20216 | T1 structural brain images - DICOM | Directly measured Brain MRI | #‡ |
20252 | T1 structural brain images - NIFTI | T1 structural brain MRI | ‡ |
20263 | T1 surface model files and additional structural segmentations | T1 structural brain MRI | ‡ |
20220 | T2 FLAIR structural brain images - DICOM | Directly measured Brain MRI | #‡ |
20253 | T2 FLAIR structural brain images - NIFTI | T2-weighted brain MRI | ‡ |
20221 | T2/PD brain images - DICOM | Directly measured Brain MRI | #‡ |
31027 | Tractography endpoints coordinates | Connectomes | ‡ |
31028 | Tractography quality metrics | Connectomes | ‡ |
23193 | Whole genome CRAM files and indices [200k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
23372 | Whole genome GATK CRAM files and indices [500k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
23370 | Whole genome GATK variant call files (VCFs) and indices [500k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
23353 | Whole genome GraphTyper SV data - interim 150k release | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
23354 | Whole genome GraphTyper SV data [500k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | #‡ |
23191 | Whole genome variant call files (VCFs) and indices [200k release] | GATK and GraphTyper | ‡ |
31016 | fMRI timeseries Glasser | Functional time series | ‡ |
31018 | fMRI timeseries Schaefer7ns 100p to 1000p | Functional time series | ‡ |
31019 | fMRI timeseries Tian Subcortex S1 to S4 3T | Functional time series | ‡ |
31015 | fMRI timeseries aparc | Functional time series | ‡ |
31014 | fMRI timeseries aparc a2009s | Functional time series | ‡ |
31017 | fMRI timeseries global signal | Functional time series | ‡ |
25755 | rfMRI component amplitudes, dimension 100 | Resting functional brain MRI | ‡ |
25754 | rfMRI component amplitudes, dimension 25 | Resting functional brain MRI | ‡ |
25751 | rfMRI full correlation matrix, dimension 100 | Resting functional brain MRI | ‡ |
25750 | rfMRI full correlation matrix, dimension 25 | Resting functional brain MRI | ‡ |
25753 | rfMRI partial correlation matrix, dimension 100 | Resting functional brain MRI | ‡ |
25752 | rfMRI partial correlation matrix, dimension 25 | Resting functional brain MRI | ‡ |
32157 | rfMRI surfaces component amplitudes, dimension 25 | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI | ‡ |
32158 | rfMRI surfaces component amplitudes, dimension 50 | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI | ‡ |
32153 | rfMRI surfaces full correlation matrix, dimension 25 | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI | ‡ |
32154 | rfMRI surfaces full correlation matrix, dimension 50 | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI | ‡ |
32155 | rfMRI surfaces partial correlation matrix, dimension 25 | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI | ‡ |
32156 | rfMRI surfaces partial correlation matrix, dimension 50 | Surface-based analysis of resting and task fMRI | ‡ |