290,952 items of data are available, covering 275,240 participants.
Defined-instances run from 0 to 1, labelled using Instancing
Units of measurement are percent.
Maximum | 65.293 |
Decile 9 | 38.563 |
Decile 8 | 37.7325 |
Decile 7 | 36.886 |
Decile 6 | 36.017 |
Median | 35.08 |
Decile 4 | 33.986 |
Decile 3 | 32.629 |
Decile 2 | 30.742 |
Decile 1 | 27.591 |
Minimum | 1.263e-05 |
- Mean = 33.8951
- = 4.78713
- 2314 items below graph minimum of 16.619
- 2 items above graph maximum of 49.535
2 Instances
Instance 0 : Initial assessment visit (2006-2010) at which participants were recruited and consent given
274,249 participants, 274,249 items
Maximum | 65.293 |
Decile 9 | 38.553 |
Decile 8 | 37.713 |
Decile 7 | 36.866 |
Decile 6 | 35.991 |
Median | 35.048 |
Decile 4 | 33.947 |
Decile 3 | 32.582 |
Decile 2 | 30.689 |
Decile 1 | 27.54 |
Minimum | 1.263e-05 |
- Mean = 33.8621
- = 4.8021
- 2172 items below graph minimum of 16.527
- 2 items above graph maximum of 49.566
Instance 1 : First repeat assessment visit (2012-13)
16,703 participants, 16,703 items
Maximum | 44.259 |
Decile 9 | 38.7 |
Decile 8 | 37.988 |
Decile 7 | 37.208 |
Decile 6 | 36.394 |
Median | 35.5665 |
Decile 4 | 34.598 |
Decile 3 | 33.404 |
Decile 2 | 31.6295 |
Decile 1 | 28.58 |
Minimum | 7.2516e-05 |
- Mean = 34.4369
- = 4.49991
- 157 items below graph minimum of 18.46