290,952 items of data are available, covering 275,240 participants.
Defined-instances run from 0 to 1, labelled using Instancing
Units of measurement are percent.
Maximum | 67.823 |
Decile 9 | 43.704 |
Decile 8 | 41.899 |
Decile 7 | 40.5425 |
Decile 6 | 39.339 |
Median | 38.172 |
Decile 4 | 36.96 |
Decile 3 | 35.625 |
Decile 2 | 33.9985 |
Decile 1 | 31.668 |
Minimum | 7.3397 |
- Mean = 37.8828
- = 4.72956
- 129 items below graph minimum of 19.632
- 7 items above graph maximum of 55.74
2 Instances
Instance 0 : Initial assessment visit (2006-2010) at which participants were recruited and consent given
274,249 participants, 274,249 items
Maximum | 67.823 |
Decile 9 | 43.727 |
Decile 8 | 41.9235 |
Decile 7 | 40.57 |
Decile 6 | 39.366 |
Median | 38.2 |
Decile 4 | 36.995 |
Decile 3 | 35.66 |
Decile 2 | 34.038 |
Decile 1 | 31.702 |
Minimum | 7.3397 |
- Mean = 37.9129
- = 4.7252
- 124 items below graph minimum of 19.677
- 7 items above graph maximum of 55.752
Instance 1 : First repeat assessment visit (2012-13)
16,703 participants, 16,703 items
Maximum | 53.295 |
Decile 9 | 43.302 |
Decile 8 | 41.466 |
Decile 7 | 40.127 |
Decile 6 | 38.8855 |
Median | 37.6205 |
Decile 4 | 36.399 |
Decile 3 | 35.045 |
Decile 2 | 33.398 |
Decile 1 | 31.0695 |
Minimum | 15.466 |
- Mean = 37.3885
- = 4.77347
- 2 items below graph minimum of 18.837