Aims: To explore the risk factors and pathogenesis pathway of aging-related chronic diseases.
Scientific rationale: As the world's population ages, the burden of chronic diseases and disabling conditions is increasing, posing huge challenges to society. Aging is the most important modifiable risk factor for age-related diseases and disabilities. According to previous studies, the biological aging process can be modified through lifestyle and other interventions to delay or prevent the onset and progression of age-related diseases. Therefore, it is urgent to explore and identify risk factors that could help delay the biological aging process, protect against chronic diseases, and ultimately increase health span. Furthermore, given that aging is a complex and multidimensional physiological process, the mechanisms and pathogenesis of age-related diseases remain unclear and need to be elucidated.
Project duration: 3 years.
Public health impact: This study will provide valuable insights for developing anti-aging interventions, guiding healthy aging policies and elucidating the pathogenesis of age-related diseases.