Online follow-up ⏵ Cognitive function online ⏵ Fluid intelligence / reasoning
This category contains data on questions designed to assess 'Fluid intelligence' (i.e. the capacity to solve problems that require logic and reasoning ability, independent of acquired knowledge). The participant has 2 minutes to complete as many questions as possible from the test.For non-specialists, the primary item of interest is Field 20191.
This measure was also performed in clinics using a touchscreen in Category 100027.
Between the 2014 and 2021 iterations, options to respond "Don't know" and "Prefer not to answer" were added to the online version to brinng it into line with the touchscreen implementation. An additional option for two of the questions in the 2014 version were removed in 2021 to bring then into line with the clinic version - see the Notes for Field 20171 and Field 20189 for specific details.