Abstract: This study aims to explore the associated phenotype wide exposure risk factors for various complex diseases such as various cancer, mental illness, metabolic diseases, circulatory system disorders, aging, respiratory system disorders, and genitourinary system disorders using machine learning methods, traditional cox proportional hazards models, Mendelian randomization, and multi-omics.
Objective: Considering a number of factors, such as past medical history, body mass index (BMI), genetic variation, physical activity, and smoking habits, we will explore the relationship between wide exposure risk factors and complex diseases. And our main research will focus on aging, lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases, mental illness, kidney diseases, cancers, and death.
Scientific Principles: Complex diseases lead to a large burden all over the word. For example, cancer is a major disease that threatens human health. Since the beginning of the 21st century, cancer incidence and mortality have been rising and are becoming younger. However, the complex etiology behind it remains unknown.
Project duration: time has not been determined
Public health impact: To promote the understanding of human disease etiology, to propose more reasonable recommendations for health, and to improve the public's health.