Meaning, Happiness and Social Support as Protective Psychosocial Factors for Coronary Artery Disease and Related Mortality: A Personalised Artificial Intelligence Based Health Approach.
Lead Institution:
University Hospital Basel
Principal investigator:
Professor Gunther Meinlschmidt
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Heart disease is the leading cause of death globally. To date, approaches to prevent coronary artery disease and related mortality have mainly focussed on biomedical and behavioural factors. Psychosocial factors have gained relevance recently. Many studies have shown beneficial effects on cardiovascular health, disease progression and mortality. But the full potential of these protective psychosocial factors is still unclear. In this project, we propose methods to identify associations of coronary artery disease and positive psychosocial factors, such as meaning and purpose, subjective well-being, happiness, and perceived social support. The one-year-long project aims to inform preventive approaches to coronary artery disease.