Towards a mechanistic understanding of lifestyle factors in common age-related diseases
Lead Institution:
Erasmus MC
Principal investigator:
Professor Mohammad Arfan Ikram
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Scientific rationale:
The worldwide increase in human life expectancy is leading to a dramatic increase in the number of persons living with chronic diseases. In order to discover the causes and thereby identify potential targets for prevention and therapy, it is crucial to understand the risk factors of these age-related diseases. Previous studies investigated the influence of genetic and lifestyle risk factors intensively, but mostly independently from each other. UK Biobank opens up the possibility to explore their interactive contribution to health outcomes on a large population-based scale. In the current project, we will use a combination of knowledge-based and data-driven artificial intelligence approaches to address three unresolved questions:
(1) To what extent can a healthy lifestyle modify genetic risk of disease?
(2) What are the mechanisms behind this effect?
(3) How well can we predict health outcomes in the elderly based on integrative high-dimensional risk profiles?
Project duration: 36 months
Public health impact:
The project findings will potentially aid to the clinical practice. In particular, we aim to construct high-dimensional risk profiles including omics and lifestyle factors to improve our prediction of which individuals are at elevated risk of disease and hence facilitate early stage diagnosis in risk groups.