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INTRODUCTION: The increasing liver-related mortality calls for hepatic surveillance programs. To design them, factors selectively increasing liver-related vs overall mortality need to be identified. METHODS: We analyzed mortality data from 467,558 individuals recruited by the community-based UK Biobank. The mean follow-up was 11.4 years. RESULTS: While all assessed genetic factors associated with increased liver-specific mortality, only homozygous TM6SF2 mutation and SERPINA1 mutation conferred elevated overall mortality. Among the environmental factors, obesity and metabolic syndrome disproportionately contributed to liver-related deaths. DISCUSSION: Our data demonstrate an interplay between genetics and environment and provide a basis for hepatic surveillance programs.
14 Keywords
Genetic Predisposition to Disease
Liver Diseases
Membrane Proteins
Metabolic Syndrome
Middle Aged
Risk Factors
United Kingdom
alpha 1-Antitrypsin
5 Authors
Carolin V. Schneider
Malin Fromme
Kai Markus Schneider
Tony Bruns
Pavel Strnad
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