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In the present study, we performed an exome-wide investigation of the burden of rare disease-causing variants for major depressive disorder (MDD) using 16,702 samples from UK biobank. Gene-based association analysis and candidate gene prioritization analysis indicated that FOXH1 have significant association with MDD. In addition, sphingolipid metabolism pathway was found to be less enriched with rare disease-causing variants in the MDD group, suggesting that this gene set may be involved in the pathophysiology of MDD.
11 Keywords
Depressive Disorder, Major
Exome Sequencing
Forkhead Transcription Factors
Genetic Predisposition to Disease
Genetic Testing
Genome-Wide Association Study
Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide
9 Authors
Wei Zhou
Luan Chen
Bixuan Jiang
Yidan Sun
Mo Li
Hao Wu
Na Zhang
Xiaofang Sun
Shengying Qin
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