Name: | UKBiLEVE GWAS results |
GWAS results returned by the UKBiLEVE project. Data included (as columns) comprises:
- rsid - either the dbSNP rs id of SNPs and indels, dbVar esv id of structural variants, Affx-xxxxx id for variants on the Affymetrix array without an rs id or chrN:position format for variants in the imputation panel without an rs id.
- chromosome - Plink-coding chromosome number: autosomes 1-22; 23=X-chromosome; 24=Y chromosome; 25=X-chromosome pseudo-autosomal region; 26=Mitochondria.
- position - b37 position
- nonref_allele - non-coded allele
- ref_allele - coded/effect allele
- minor_allele - minor allele
- info - imputation quality (see below)
- MAF_% - minor allele frequency as a percentage
- MAC - minor allele count (non-integer reflects imputation uncertainty)
- beta - SNPTEST effect estimate (log odds ratio)
- se - SNPTEST standard error
- P - SNPTEST score test P-value
- se_gc - SNPTEST standard error after genomic control
- P_gc - SNPTEST score test P-value after genomic control
- P_Firth - EPACTS Firth test P-value without genomic control; only calculated for rare variants
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