Schema are machine-readable dictionaries and mappings defining the internal structure of the online Showcase.

27Applications (researcher projects)
3Categories used to group data fields and other objects on Showcase interface
13Category browse tree structure
18Columns of data in Record tables
1Data field properties
14Data field recommendations
16Data field summary
2Encoding dictionaries
15Genotyped SNPs
9Instancing dictionaries
24Links between Applications and Publications
26Links between Categories and Resources
25Links between Fields and Resources
17Record tables available via data portal
21Related data field linkages
23Resources (external)
22Resources (internal)
4Returned datasets from Applications
999Schema provided for the Showcase service
11Values for hierarchical integer encodings
12Values for hierarchical string encodings
10Values for instances
8Values for simple date encodings
5Values for simple integer encodings
7Values for simple real (floating-point) encodings
6Values for simple string encodings
20Values for simple time encodings

Enabling scientific discoveries that improve human health