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Hugh Watkins and colleagues meta-analyze data from the UK Biobank along with recent genome-wide association studies for coronary artery disease. They identify 13 new loci that were genome-wide significant and 243 loci at a 5% false discovery rate.</p>
14 Keywords
Coronary Artery Disease
Genetic Association Studies
Genetic Loci
Genetic Predisposition to Disease
Genome-Wide Association Study
Health Information Systems
Meta-Analysis as Topic
Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide
Reproducibility of Results
Risk Factors
United Kingdom
62 Authors
Christopher P Nelson
Anuj Goel
Adam S Butterworth
Stavroula Kanoni
Tom R Webb
Eirini Marouli
Lingyao Zeng
Ioanna Ntalla
Florence Y Lai
Jemma C Hopewell
Olga Giannakopoulou
Tao Jiang
Stephen E Hamby
Emanuele Di Angelantonio
Themistocles L Assimes
Erwin P Bottinger
John C Chambers
Robert Clarke
Colin N A Palmer
Richard M Cubbon
Patrick Ellinor
Raili Ermel
Evangelos Evangelou
Paul W Franks
Christopher Grace
Dongfeng Gu
Aroon D Hingorani
Joanna M M Howson
Erik Ingelsson
Adnan Kastrati
Thorsten Kessler
Theodosios Kyriakou
Terho Lehtimäki
Xiangfeng Lu
Yingchang Lu
Winfried März
Ruth McPherson
Andres Metspalu
Mar Pujades-Rodriguez
Arno Ruusalepp
Eric E Schadt
Amand F Schmidt
Michael J Sweeting
Pierre A Zalloua
Kamal AlGhalayini
Bernard D Keavney
Jaspal S Kooner
Ruth J F Loos
Riyaz S Patel
Martin K Rutter
Maciej Tomaszewski
Ioanna Tzoulaki
Eleftheria Zeggini
Jeanette Erdmann
George Dedoussis
Johan L M Björkegren
Heribert Schunkert
Martin Farrall
John Danesh
Nilesh J Samani
Hugh Watkins
Panos Deloukas
Enabling scientific discoveries that improve human health