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Plasma lipids are known heritable risk factors for cardiovascular disease, but increasing evidence also supports shared genetics with diseases of other organ systems. We devised a comprehensive three-phase framework to identify new lipid-associated genes and study the relationships among lipids, genotypes, gene expression and hundreds of complex human diseases from the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (347 traits) and the UK Biobank (549 traits). Aside from 67 new lipid-associated genes with strong replication, we found evidence for pleiotropic SNPs/genes between lipids and diseases across the phenome. These include discordant pleiotropy in the HLA region between lipids and multiple sclerosis and putative causal paths between triglycerides and gout, among several others. Our findings give insights into the genetic basis of the relationship between plasma lipids and diseases on a phenome-wide scale and can provide context for future prevention and treatment strategies.
23 Authors
Yogasudha Veturi
Anastasia Lucas
Yuki Bradford
Daniel Hui
Scott Dudek
Elizabeth Theusch
Anurag Verma
Jason E. Miller
Iftikhar Kullo
Hakon Hakonarson
Patrick Sleiman
Daniel Schaid
Charles M. Stein
Digna R. Velez Edwards
QiPing Feng
Wei-Qi Wei
Marisa W. Medina
Ronald M. Krauss
Thomas J. Hoffmann
Neil Risch
Benjamin F. Voight
Daniel J. Rader
Marylyn D. Ritchie
Enabling scientific discoveries that improve human health