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539,153 items of data are available, covering 449,028 participants, encoded using Data-Coding 265. Array indices run from 0 to 10.
Usual Place of residence: Living with relatives14499
Usual Place of residence: Living alone3160
Usual Place of residence: Sheltered38
Usual Place of residence: Supported10
Usual Place of residence: No fixed abode3
Temporary place of residence: Holiday accomodation180
Temporary place of residence: Student accomodation3
Temporary place of residence: Nursing home, residential care home1
Transfer to other NHS provider: General ward, young physically disabled, A&E35688
Transfer to other NHS provider: Obstetrics348
Transfer to other NHS provider: psychiatry, learning disabilities794
Transfer to other NHS provider: Surgical specialty19
Transfer to other NHS provider: Medical specialty83
Transfer to other NHS provider: GP19
Transfer to other NHS provider: Geriatrics3
Transfer to other NHS provider: Orthopaedics10
Transfer from another Health Care Provider - Hospital at Home0
Transfer within NHS provider: general ward, young physically disabled, A&E3147
Transfer within NHS provider: Obstetrics2
Transfer within NHS provider: psychiatry, learning disabilities192
Transfer within NHS provider: Surgical specialty1365
Transfer within NHS provider: Medical specialty2400
Transfer within NHS provider: GP47
Transfer within NHS provider: Geriatrics102
Transfer within NHS provider: Orthopaedics137
Transfer within the same Health Care Provider - Hospital at Home13
Nursing home, residential care home, group home: NHS371
Nursing home, residential care home, group home: Local Authority735
Nursing home, residential care home, group home: Non-NHS1428
Other hospital: NHS partnership hospital104
Other hospital: Non-NHS1363
Hospice: Non-NHS200
Other admission source: Local Authority foster care131
Other admission source: Admission of foundling0
Other admission source: Births in or on the way to hospital246
Not applicable269
Not known2770
This field is a summary of the distinct source of admission codes a participant has had recorded in their hospital inpatient records. Source of admission identifies whether a patient came to the hospital from their usual place of residence or elsewhere.
Note that the original information was obtained from a variety of external sources, some of which used overlapping and contradictory coding schemes. This field has been re-coded to remove such data conflicts.
This field corresponds to the field ADMISORC_UNI on the HESIN table; see the Inpatient Data Dictionary (Resource 141140) in Category 2000 for information about the HESIN table.
In order to conduct detailed analyses of this data using the source information, researchers will need to gain access to the HESIN table by adding Field 41259 to their basket.