539,749 items of data are available, covering 175,239 participants, encoded using Data-Coding
Array indices run from 0 to 19.
Category | Count |
A personality disorder | 352 |
Agoraphobia | 488 |
Anorexia nervosa | 915 |
Anxiety or nerves | 24077 |
Any other eating disorder | 521 |
Any other phobia (e.g. disabling fear of heights or spiders) | 1593 |
Any other type of psychosis or psychotic illness | 590 |
Attention deficit or attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder | 242 |
Autism, Asperger's or autistic spectrum disorder | 408 |
Binge-eating disorder | 364 |
Bulimia nervosa | 528 |
Depression | 33990 |
Generalized anxiety disorder | 4626 |
Mania, hypomania, bipolar or manic-depression | 825 |
None of group A | 139760 |
None of group B | 143345 |
None of group C | 172768 |
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) | 803 |
Panic attacks | 7816 |
Panic disorder | 293 |
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) | 2450 |
Prefer not to answer group A | 359 |
Prefer not to answer group B | 387 |
Prefer not to answer group C | 375 |
Schizophrenia | 151 |
Social anxiety or social phobia | 1723 |
Mental Well-being online question:
"Have you been diagnosed with one or more of the following mental health conditions by a professional, even if you don't have it currently? By professional we mean any doctor, nurse or person with specialist training (such as a psychologist or therapist). Please include conditions even if you did not need treatment for them or if you did not agree with the diagnosis. Select all that apply."
Participants were offered 3 sets of options which have been combined here into a single answer.
The following conditions were in group A: Depression; Mania, hypomania, bipolar or manic-depression; Schizophrenia; Any other type of psychosis or psychotic illness; A personality disorder; Autism, Asperger's or autistic spectrum disorder; Attention deficit or attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder; Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
The following conditions were in group B: Anxiety or nerves; Generalized anxiety disorder; Social anxiety or social phobia; Agoraphobia; Any other phobia (e.g. disabling fear of heights or spiders); Panic attacks; Panic disorder; Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
The following conditions were in group C: Anorexia nervosa; Bulimia nervosa; Binge-eating disorder; Any other eating disorder