Comprehensive risk assessment of chronic disease onset and outcome
Lead Institution:
International Agency for Research on Cancer
Principal investigator:
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Scientific rationale:
One in five people will develop a cancer during their lifetime. Cancer prevention has become one of the most important public health challenges of the 21st century. Based on current scientific evidence, at least 40% of all cancer cases can be prevented with effective prevention measures. It is also possible to save lives by detecting cancer earlier through screening when treatment is more likely to be successful. We believe that better methods to predict cancer can improve both cancer prevention and screening.
We aim to develop a method that predicts cancer of any type.
Public health impact:
This project will provide a risk prediction model that can inform individuals their risk of developing any common cancer. It will allow individuals to understand the most effective ways they can reduce their risk, and also highlight if they may benefit from screening.
Expected Project duration:
3 years