Summary: Pregnancy complications can result in long term complications. The identification who are likely to develop these risks will help clinicians and patients to develop preventable strategies. For this purpose, we would like to find genetic causes which can result in the pregnancy complications and their long term complications later in life.
Aims: Our purpose is to evaluate of the effect of genetic factors on pregnancy complications and its long term health outcomes. For this purpose,
1) We will first analyze genetic causes which can be associated with pregnancy outcomes, and
2) We will analyze these long term outcomes after pregnancy complications, and
3) We will evaluate which genetic factors can role as the bridges between pregnancy complications and long term complications.
Scientific rationale: Pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, spontaneous abortion or preterm birth can result in long term complications, including cardiovascular disease and neurocognitive impairment. We would like to find genetic causes which can result in the pregnancy complications and their long term complications later in life.
Project duration: This project will require several years, at least 3 years.
Public health impact: This study will help clinicians and patients to develop preventable strategies. Researchers will get more information for the development of new interventions and therapeutic targets. Better identification of high risk group will be also be used for policies and should allow a reduction of complication rates and associated healthcare costs.