UK Biobank Coronavirus Study

Sorry, the details entered do not match anyone in the study. If you have recently updated your email address then please try again in a few hours time as the change may not have reached all our systems yet.

According to our records you are not being sent sampling kits.

We are sorry you're no longer able to supply samples and have made a note of this. Thank you very much for the assistance you have already given UK Biobank with this study and its mission to improve public health.

Please be aware that, due to delays in the postal system, a kit may already be on its way to you. If one arrives then simply dispose of it unopened in your normal domestic waste.

You have already requested that we stop sending sampling kits.

Please be aware that, due to delays in the postal system, a kit may have already been on its way to you when you made the request. If one has arrived since that time then simply dispose of it unopened in your normal domestic waste.

A database problem prevented data retrieval.

UK Biobank Coronavirus Study

Change of contact preferences

We are sorry to hear that you no longer wish to provide samples for UK Biobank’s research into the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. We are grateful for your support and input so far. If you would like to talk with us before you stop contributing to the research, please telephone our Participant Resource Centre free of charge on 0800 0 276 276 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm), or email us at and someone will contact you directly.

If you are sure that you no longer want to hear from UK Biobank about the coronavirus research please confirm this by completing the form below.

Please note, this action cannot be reversed.

Please answer all the questions completely

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We are constantly trying to improve the experience we give research participants and would appreciate it if you would indicate your reason for your decision below.

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